Got to say that reading this website put most of my fears to rest.
The surgery
I had my operation on Monday 25th March 2002. Arrived at my hospital at 09:00 as an outpatient and was taken straight in to see the doctor. After a chat about what was going to happen, I swapped rooms and changed into a fetching gown, one of those that leave your backside open (Slightly scared at this point in case I had booked in for something else).
Anyway, returned to the operation room and lay on the couch. The doctor asked me to lay back and did the pre-injection work. Slightly painful as you don’t expect such a pull, but once they are in the correct position on he went. I am not terrified of needles but the thought of one going there was not nice. After the assurance from the Doctor, he injected the first side to numb it, and I have to be honest it hurt a little, nowhere near as much as you would think.
We chatted and talked about work and even laughed a little, this stopped when I saw the blade come out as it’s not wise to make a man with a knife laugh. I didn’t feel any pain other than the pulling sensation in my stomach as he pulled the tube, Very weird feeling, a cross between slight gut ache and butterflies. All in all the first side took 10 mins to complete.
The second side followed in the same process, same feelings again the gut tugging feeling then all done. Total operation time 20 minutes.
I dressed, slowly and was picked up in total 35 minutes after I arrived. Went home and after getting the advice about the sports ice pack rested for the day.
Back in to work the next day with a slight on my toes walking motion but the day went well.
It’s 5 days after the op and I have pain in my groin, I think it’s due to the pulling, the muscles present must have been shoved around a bit, and it’s not very comfy, but workable.
Don’t think I should have come back to work too fast, would certainly recommend that a few more days would have made the difference.
I would advise that if you have young children that you keep them off you as much as you can, after an accident with my 9-month-old son I learned to be careful.
A hint of advice, as you have to shave the area beforehand the hair will grow back quite fast, place a few sheets of toilet paper under your penis to stop the stubble hurting, it’s worth it.
Regards and good luck to any one going.
Submitted by Ian
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