December 12, 2004
After much thought, consideration, and research, my procedure is Wednesday morning…I booked this appointment a month ago and wasn’t sure if I was going to keep it. I have never had an operational procedure done in my life other than having my wisdom teeth removed. (That experience was quite painful and wasn’t very smooth. So the entire idea of this procedure wasn’t high on my list!)
After my second son was born, my wife and I considered all the birth control options. She was willing to get ‘tied’ but after seeing her go through two pregnancies, I felt that a Vasectomy would be the way to go. In addition to feeling that I should carry some of the load, the procedure is ‘simpler’. (In theory, at least). I’m definitely not looking forward to the uncomfortable parts of the procedure and the recovery period. And I’m even more concerned about PVP and anything unexpected. But in some ways, I’m actually looking forward to getting this over, taking the rest of the week off, catching up on some TIVO’d movies, and watching lots of football. Also, the thought of condom-less sex in a few months is motivating.
This website and the discussion board have been great resources for information and I feel I am well prepared. Thank you to everyone who has posted their stories; they have helped me to prepare mentally for what may or may not happen. I will post updates later in the week.
December 29, 2004
I woke up this morning after a good night’s rest. Started to feel a little more apprehensive about the procedure. I guess the reality of actually going through it was finally hitting. I arrived at the appointment early. They called me in then asked me to undress. I asked for something extra to calm my nerves. They told me this was something I needed to do in advance. (When I made the appointment, I requested this and they told me that I just needed to ask for it when I showed up.) My request seemed to throw them for a loop. The Dr. who was to perform the procedure came in and asked if I wanted to reschedule. Since I had everything planned, I decided to go ahead and stick it out.
After his assistant came in to prep me, then the Dr. returned. He started to examine the area then he gave me the shot on the right side.
Did it hurt? Yes. Was it as bad as ‘a kick in the balls’ like some described? No, but it was uncomfortable as hell.
He went ahead and did the right side; it seemed to take a long time. In reality, it was probably only 10 minutes. During this time I started to hyperventilate. They gave me a bag to breathe into. I think they probably thought I was going to pass out, in reality, I breathe heavily in stressful situations. Being that this was really stressful, I was breathing extra heavy.
He went ahead and did the left side. I seemed to notice pulling, tugging, and stitching more. Maybe I was tensing more. Procedure complete.
I lay there for a few minutes to catch my breath, I realized I soaked the paper I was lying on with sweat but relieved that it was over. They helped me with my jock and we discussed post-procedure. He did also mention that it would have been better if I had taken something before. So that was it. I’m lying in bed right now. No pain. If anything a little uncomfortable from the tightness of the jock.
It’s about 6 hours after the procedure and I feel my balls are a little achy. Just took my first does of voctin. All is well.
December 30, 2005 – Day 2
Got an OK night of sleep. I felt constrained to sleep on my back. About midway through the night, my back started to hurt so I rolled on my side. A little discomfort from the incisions, otherwise the night erections were a little distracting with the jock on.
This morning I feel no pain, but some sensitivity in the area. Going to take it easy today in bed or on the sofa. Looking forward to my shower tomorrow.
December 31, 2004 – Day 3
Not much pain. No major swelling or bruising. No pain pills today. My shoulder hurts more from sleeping crooked last night. My only discomfort is from the jockstrap. I was advised to keep this on for a week. Went out today grocery shopping. Didn’t lift anything heavy or have any sudden movements, but moved around slowly. I think, for the most part, it’s in my head. The best analogy is pulling your groin, you tend to slow down thinking that you might reinjure yourself.
For the most part, things feel back to normal today. I’m counting the days down until I can test everything; so tonight’s celebration will only entail drinking. Happy New Year!
January 6, 2005
It’s been a little over a week now and for the most part, things feel back to normal. The stitches are still there and the right incision still has some slight discharge. In the late afternoons, I have noticed some really light dull aches in my testicles, but nothing like others have described. This seems to happen less frequently as each day passes.
It was nice to wear regular underwear. I’m going with the snugger/supportive ones, rather than my boxers. A week of the jock helped, but the last few days it was starting to irritate me.
I was looking forward to testing everything out with the wife, but a business trip got in the way. Plus I’m not sure if one week was enough time for me to heal; so this is a good thing. One of my biggest fears doing this was any pain or discomfort upon ejaculation. I’ll soon find out.
March 18, 2005
Well, two negative tests and it’s over; I’m done.
Funny thing, leading up to gather the first and second sample, I seemed a little stressed. Probably because I was trying to get 20 before the first sample. Maybe some performance anxiety. Also, felt a bit sad, that I would not be having any more kids. Not that I would want anymore, but probably since this part of my life is passing.
I have felt at times a little discomfort in the area of one of the incisions. I’m not sure if it has to do with a bike ride over the weekend. But after a few days, it passed.
In summary
- It’s uncomfortable during the procedure.
- Consider this a three-month journey, since you have to wait until you are clear.
- It does have some effect psychologically.
- After everything is said and done, it’s worth it.
Good luck to everyone who is considering this. I hope my posts have helped.
Submitted by Mark
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