Finally got around to having my vasectomy done on 20th May (2004). I was really nervous, having already backed away from the whole thing after visiting a well known UK family planning organization and being told by a very young receptionist that there was absolutely nothing to worry about. Well, that’s my concerns dismissed as unimportant, then!
Eventually coughed up the extra dough and went to see a private doctor who left me feeling confident enough to have the procedure done. My wife was allowed to attend which I have to say helped immensely and the whole thing was over in about 10-15 mins.
Anyway, my reason for passing my experiences along is that I did a lot of reading around the web before-hand and it seemed that many of the postings seemed to be from people asking questions about reversals, or discussing PVPs. So, I just wanted to pass on my own (so-far) positive experiences.
Immediately after the op, I took things very easy. Went home, put my feet up, and watched lots of movies. Took paracetamol the first night and that’s about it. No frozen peas or swelling or anything like that. It’s now over a week later and I feel totally mended. Everything’s in full working order and am now looking forward to the 10 and 12-week test for the all-clear.
I hope these experiences can help anyone else reading to know that it can go really well, and to say good luck!
Also, if I could give one piece of advice – Do not talk to men who have not had a vasectomy! Nearly everyone had a story and most of the comments ranged from the comical (something about banging bricks together) to the pseudo-science babble (the semen stuck in your body will cause antibodies that will leave you feeling like crap). I spoke to 3 guys who’d had it done, who all told me in a straight-forward and honest manner about their experiences, which helped immensely.
Submitted by Mike
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