Joe’s experience: Step by step experiences

At 34 with two children, we decided a vasectomy was the best way to enjoy each other and prevent adding headcount to our family. My wife is a nurse and set me up with a urologist she works with in the operating room. A consultation was required, so we discussed the permanent nature of the … Continue reading

Richard’s vasectomy experience

Many thanks to the Webmaster and all of the other men who have shared their stories and provided important information to others considering a vasectomy! I am 31 days away from undergoing the procedure, so my voyage is not yet complete; however, I wish to share what I have learned so far. (I’m scheduled for … Continue reading

Walt’s experience: A big surprise

I had my vasectomy last night at 6:30 pm. I know at least 5 other guys who had the procedure. All of whom said it was a painless no big thing. I of course was nervous all day, 6:30 in the evening was a long wait. So, there were the 5 of us my two … Continue reading

Paul’s experience: Plenty of practical advice

Once we decided to have a vasectomy, I asked my primary doctor for a list of urologists when I went to him for a regular physical. I studied the list, tried to check the doctors’ background on the web, and picked one who was board certified in urology and who had been a doctor for … Continue reading

Bruce’s experience: Nervous Canadian’s story

I was glad to find the website when I was preparing for my vasectomy. I especially appreciated the personal stories and thought I would add my own. I’m a 36 year old Canadian, married with two kids. I don’t want any more children and my wife half-agreed with me. We also discussed how we … Continue reading

Pat’s experience: My vasectomy story

This story was written 7 hours after the procedure, (2 p.m., Aug. 31, 2001) with an ice pack snug firmly between my thighs to help ease the discomfort – and not necessarily pain of my vasectomy. My doctor conducted the hour-long procedure alone, and during the time he made short work of my tubing, he … Continue reading