I have been lurking in here for the last two weeks and yesterday was the big day for me. I’m 31 years old with no kids but two abortions (to my horror and relief) behind me. I would have supported the two kids as part of my ‘responsibility’ but was quite relieved when my partner was not interested either.
Well anyway, I don’t want to be putting women through that anymore it’s just not right. I’ve got siblings who are all breeding like crazy right now and when I hang out with them I feel nothing but grateful for not having to deal with what they do.
So I got a no-scalpel yesterday and when the doctor said ‘you’re all done’ I could hardly believe him – I felt absolutely nothing… So I feel nothing even today and I’m ready, after reading some experiences in here, for discomfort to begin even tomorrow or the next day. But I’m hoping nothing at all will come of it perhaps I’ll be lucky!
I know I’m quite young for this, but I’ve thought long and hard about it for the last ten years (both before, during, & after the abortions) and the only real hitch in the plan to never have children (for me anyway) was someone to take care of me when I’m too old to take care of myself.
But I took this gamble, figuring it was a small one, and since I’ve put such an irreversible self-binding spell upon my life’s story I will take the responsibility to ensure all the money I save from not having to pay for the support of children goes into the ‘retirement’ plan and it should all work out in my favor, in the end: I’ve seen some horrifying financial figures regarding the expense of rearing kids and I am not interested in selling out in order to earn more than I need to support my own self in this racket.
There are plenty of breeders in the world (I noticed 4 pregnant women on the way to and from the doctors’ office yesterday) so I figure there’ll surely be no shortage if I opt out of the program.
In short, I’ve decided my genitals are for fun and pleasure as opposed to inadvertently creating more responsibility, financial drain, angst, & paranoia than I already deal with on a day-to-day basis.
And so far, I feel great! The only disadvantage I expect might be in the next couple days, I’ll let you know.
5 days later
Everything was perfect until the third night after surgery when I started (for the first time) to experience some mild discomfort on the left side. By the time I went to bed I was pretty sure of a swelling situation and by morning positive.
So I had an apo-naproxen with my breakfast (Saturday, surgery was Wednesday morning) for taking care of dual swollen testicles. By dinner time when I had my second pill things were feeling much better and today, this morning I’m feeling fantastic and will not bother with the pill unless I notice more swelling.
Still wearing the support especially after that little incident and I’m hoping I can get back to running by the end of this week I sure do miss it already.
I calculated the prescribed 16-week lab test for swimmers (sperm) to be September 29 and believe me, it’s one of the only times I ever held a countdown in my life.
June 23 Update
Feeling just great no swelling or pain whatsoever 1.5 weeks after the procedure and what little discomfort there was completely bearable.
Still wearing the supporter when I go running in the mornings but otherwise not. Probably go back to not wearing one a month post-op (around mid-July) just to be safe as I’ve heard give a month for healing.
Unless something unusual comes up I don’t expect to be posting anything until the sometime beginning of October when I go for my 16-week test. This winter may just be the warmest yet & we’re pretty darn excited about it!
Good luck to all who are going for it and, if possible, my advice is to get a no-scalpel from a doctor who only does vasectomies since that was my situation and man has it been a smooth ride!
Submitted by Barry
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