My story begins about three years ago. It was the first time I had seriously thought about a vasectomy. Birth control had always been my sole responsibility (I’m 38), and now that our children were older and we did not plan on it anymore, I thought my wife would be very supportive. I was wrong. She was dead set against it for many reasons, none of which I agreed with. We compromised by me deciding to wait a couple of years. After three years, she was still not 100% supportive, but she conceded to my extremely strong wishes.
At my annual physical I mentioned to my GP that I wanted a vasectomy. She told me that she would get me a referral before I left the office. On my way out, the receptionist asked if I wanted a consult with the Urologist or if I simply wanted to book the procedure. Since I had been contemplating and researching this for three years and really had no specific questions, I decided to go ahead and book the procedure. I was aware that there are variations on technique (e.g. traditional vs. NSV, open-ended, etc.) but figured that an experienced Urologist would be comfortable with their preferences and that would be acceptable to me.
My appointment was for 9:30 am, four weeks hence, at the hospital day surgery unit. I was told to arrive by 9:00 am. No preparation was required. I didn’t have a lot of time to think about it as I was busy at work for the next four weeks, but the days before I was extremely nervous. Would it be painful during the operation, painful afterward, etc.
I showed up at 9:00 am on the scheduled day, at which time they took my insurance information and some other general information. I was told to go down the hall and hand the forms to a nurse I would find there. I did that and she showed me to a change room, told me to undress from the waist down and put on the supplied hospital gown and meet here back where I found here. By 9:15 am (15 minutes before my scheduled time) I was laying down on a table and meeting the doctor for the first time.
As he was introducing himself, the nurse shaved me and the doctor started. He told me when to expect a little pain (he was apologetic beforehand) as he was freezing the area. In fact, it didn’t hurt at all. He talked through the entire procedure, with me feeling no pain, just some gentle tugging. Fifteen minutes later he said he was done.
They wanted me to lie there for a few minutes until I felt okay. I said I’m ready and the nurse helped me sit up, put on my underwear, and then she gave me an orange juice and a sheet of post-op instructions. They asked me to sit outside the OR for a few minutes. While there, the doctor appeared and we talked. I told him how good I felt and we joked for a couple of minutes, telling me he did about 500 procedures a year.
After five minutes I got dressed, left the hospital, and drove myself home. I spent most of the rest of the day just sitting around. I was not in any pain or discomfort. I did have a headache later in the day and took a couple of Tylenol, so I don’t know if that may have masked some pain. I felt so good, though, that I drove carpool that evening.
Day 2 I was in a bit of discomfort. No real pain. I was a little bruised and just spent the day laying around. By day 3 I was pretty much back to normal. It is now day 6 and although there is still some bruising, I feel fine. I have to go back in 2 months for the all clear.
Submitted by Bernie
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