First I want to say how great it is to have this particular resource where folks who have been through the procedure(s) can share their experiences. Other than the zealous pro/con propaganda that is on the internet, these are real-world comments from real-world people. Glad to be added to the mix!
I think that it’s good to have all kinds of stories (good, bad and ugly). And I think having another “middle of the road” story like mine being the “norm”. It’s often said that various sites and forums often tend to have lots of comments that are “bipolar”, either extremely good or extremely bad. That is why I’m glad I found this website that offers balanced information and stories.
40-year-old male, wife 39, and two kids. We have been happily sexually active for years and plan on continuing it, but had to make the decision to make a “permanent” decision on birth control. We knew more kids were OUT and that a tubal for her was OUT of the question after seeing friends and family have problems with theirs. Vasectomy (after tons of research, knowing the good, the bad, the ugly) seemed to be the best logical option.
September 28 (after researching several top urologists that had lots of experience in vasectomy) got my “traditional” procedure. Cut, closed both ends with suture and cauterization. Contrary to many that talk about NSV and traditional having more pain etc., I found this traditional procedure to be just fine with very little discomfort. I had the “one incision” type and the procedure went without an incident.
The surgeon did note that the right “vas” put up “more of a fight” than the left, and he did have to take a little more time to carefully get to it (I believe this may have been due to scar tissue from an old “kick in the nuts” injury) but he said he does see this happen often. The left on the other hand came out easy and didn’t wanna go back in (go figure).
Man, some guys say “i jumped off the table blah blah” – NOT ME! I have a decent pain tolerance but when it comes to my “nuts”, I’m a big baby. I felt fine, but I definitely had some discomfort in the form of the dull ache. That was taken care of by Vicodin. That discomfort was pretty pronounced for two days.
Guys, take my advice. Don’t skip the ice! I was religious in my use of ice and it helped a lot.
By day 3, in good shape but still had a bit of an ache. Mainly… obviously on the RIGHT side. And I noticed some minor bruising. No biggie. Left side? Like nothing ever happened!
Over the next few days, the pain went away big time, right side bruising was still there but not bad and no real swelling at all… but still had a lingering “ache” (low level “post kicked in the nuts” feel) at certain times – no problem when sitting down but when walking and getting out of the pickup truck you noticed it a bit. More “discomfort” rather than “pain”.
Had the guts to do a little self-exam on the “right side” and did notice that it “felt” like there was a little swelling at the operation site of the epididymis, nothing major but it was there as compared to the left, and to be honest, after doing that exam, I felt better. Aspirin worked fine too.
By day 6 (today) – Much less ache in the right one. I figure that due to the “fight” the right Vas put up that there would be more “bruising” and “trauma” to the area etc… still notice a lessened dull ache, but it’s much less in “sharpness” and just a “dull” feeling, not bad, just “its there”. And the little swelled up spot on the right side was much less. Even feeling better and better throughout the day.
After reading a comment on the forums, I took a trip to the local Wal-Mart (I’m from the USA in the Maryland area) and got myself a supporter. What a difference! Hee hee… I must have looked a sight. Went into the men’s room stall and just put the damned thing over my underwear to help things out.
I had to make sure that “things worked” and with the help of the Mrs. we noted that things worked “just fine”. Like nothing ever happened to the “boys”. No pain other than the diminishing ache. (Yes we used protection… we all know that that is important until we are all “cleared”).
Bottom line
Even with the “unexpected” dull pain (that is going away) and the inconvenience of “downtime” and dealing with stitches on your privates, I would highly recommend vasectomy for anyone considering it!
I almost wish that the “side effects” given out in pre-op and on websites were a bit more on the “realistic side”. I mean, you hear the old “Oh three or four days and you are good as new” when from what I’m seeing and hearing personally it can be a week or two for successful/normal surgery!
Honestly, I’m relieved to see that yes, the two to the three-week swelling thing is not unusual. Honestly… almost daily the “dull ache” feelings are diminishing, the little “lump” on the top right of the testicle is going down almost hourly (when I feel an ache I check and you can feel that the “lump” is up again, but its always getting smaller day by day) I am very lucky the bruising was nothing and I mean it was a just a tiny little patch near where the “frank met the beans,” and it’s gone after a couple of days.
October 31, 2004 Update
Been a while since I checked in but wanted to give an update of my recovery etc. after my vasectomy.
September 28 had a “traditional” single incision, cut/cauterized both ends procedure. Ok, it was an old school procedure but it’s a pretty proven procedure. The right side was a bit tougher to work on, but the procedure went just fine. Admittedly, the post-op pain hurt like a “son of a gun” but again, it went away in a few days. No real swelling except my “right one” no real bruising etc.
Got advice from here about using a Jock (THANK YOU!) the “tighty whiteys” just didn’t hack it! Within about 3 weeks everything felt just fine. OK the occasional tingle or very dull ache on the right side but I’ve had that happen before the vasectomy (I guess you do become a lot more aware of your nuts after the vas!)
My only problem with the procedure? The incision! Look, I’ve had moles removed and had stitches etc. And I am a slow healer with incisions. And this thing was no different.
My single incision was sutured with 3 maybe 4 (?) dissolvable stitches, and the incision looked great after the procedure. Yes, I followed all the procedures to keep it dry, clean, using Neosporin.
But… it seemed like the stitches dissolved too fast in a week or so and the wound seemed to “stay open” a bit with a little bit of swelling… you know how a cut heals. No massive bleeding or infection at all, just a nasty looking slightly open wound at the base of my penis. It did hurt a bit (obviously and had the occasional small dot of blood) and was tender. Talked to the doctor and (as I already knew) it was not a big deal since it was not infected etc, but I just wanted to be sure.
Almost a month to the day I did a little “check” again and the incision is now totally sealed and gone and you really can’t see a thing. And there is no irritation or pinching like there was during the healing.
Now… I just have to get the sample checked and get the all-clear. But things are working just fine!
December 7, 2004 Update
I’m finally able to report that took in my sample today and got the “all clear”. To quote the nurse: “You’re good to go” (having a sense of humor helps). I asked back: You mean the procedure was a success and I’m firing on no cylinders? Smiley got the OK!
Problems? Very little really. Had more than moderate pain the first couple of days due to the right vas being “stuck” a bit and needed to be tugged a lot to get the cut. Used a supporter more and it helped a lot.
Biggest complaint? The damned incision at the base of my penis (I had one incision where he did the deed to my vas’). They were dissolvable sutures but the damned incision took almost a month to really heal fully which definitely put a damper on ‘activities’.
Would do it again? In a heartbeat! Look, we all know that every procedure is gonna have its pros/cons and potential problems – vasectomy is no exception. I just feel you need to be informed and armed with all the information so you do know what to expect. I think that this site is probably the BEST resource for anyone researching vasectomy. Real stories from real people and not some “fear-mongering” site that scares you to death OR a site that tells you never have to worry at all.
Final Analysis. Even with the “minor pains” and post-op issues stated above, I would highly recommend the procedure to anyone. Of course, you have to examine your personal situation, your pain tolerance, and all the other issues…good and bad… related to the procedure. This site is a tremendous tool for good, balanced information on Vasectomy! I look forward to helping and lending support to folks who are considering joining the “ranks of the snipped”.
October 9, 2005 Update
My situation just after my vasectomy was pretty normal. Normal pain, swelling, and tenderness. I think mine was a little more lingering than most, but that is probably just me.
But… here I just past 1 year later and…
I am having no problems whatsoever! It’s like nothing ever happened! Well, I have gained weight but I think that is due to my lack of activity in my work.
The only minor issue is an occasional twinge in my right testicle now and then (this was the one that had the adhesion as mentioned in my previous posts). But… I know I had these before the vas, but you do pay more attention to the “boys” after the procedure.
Typically, I get this twinge after long terms of sitting, driving, and definitely when I have been too busy to have sex. The remedy? I do take matters into my own hands a little more often for therapeutic reasons!
Bottom line
After a year, things are great! I would do it all over again. My sex life is great with my wife and it has brought back such great joy without worrying about having any more children.
So some of you guys that are a little timid about it I have to say to just go for it with an open mind. Keep doing good research, and make a fully informed and well-educated decision. This website is a great resource!
All the best and thank you everyone for helping me during my research and question phases!
Submitted by Bob
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