I had my procedure done a month ago and wanted to share how my experience has been:
The night before my procedure (Thursday), I shaved as good as I could and called it a night. I slept well and went to my 11 AM appointment on Friday. I really wasn’t as nervous as I thought I would be, thanks to this website.
I get up on the table and the doctor does some last-minute shaving. He then asks if it would be OK if a couple of other people come in to observe the procedure. At this point, I didn’t care, so I said OK. They were two women that appeared to be pre-med students. I really didn’t talk to them during the procedure. The couple of times I glanced at them during the procedure, it was obvious they had never witnessed this before – based on their facial expressions. They did thank me for letting them watch at the end though.
With everyone in the room now, he gives me my first injection, and wow did that sting! I jumped a little bit but then after a few seconds, things go numb. He went to work and I felt some squeezing and he gave me another injection. After finishing up the one side, he gave me another long, deep injection on the other and went to town. He was done in about 30 minutes and I was walking out wearing my supporter filled with gauze.
After I got home, I iced immediately and rested. That evening I went to change the gauze and I was hit with such pain, that I almost fainted and was sweating a lot. After that, I took the prescribed pain medication, Ultracet. Went to bed and took it easy all of the next day and even went to the grocery store that evening.
Monday went back to work, and after working all day, I was in a lot of pain. Went home with more ice and decided I better stay home and rest on Tuesday. I didn’t miss any more work after that and just had the dull aching feeling for a few more days.
Friday – a week after the procedure, I went in to get my stitches out and thought it would be relatively pain-free but I was wrong. I had two stitches and pulling those out hurt almost as much as the procedure itself. One thing that I would recommend is a stool softener while taking pain killers or other medication during this time. Believe me, you don’t want to have to work hard to pump out a load for the first week.
Day 8 was when I didn’t have the dull ache anymore and everything was back to normal for me. At week 2, I was back at the gym doing my normal workout.
All-in-all, this wasn’t too bad but I’m glad to only have to do this once. The first week was the toughest and then no problem. I take a sample in a few weeks to make sure I’m out of ammo. I would recommend this procedure to anyone and am glad I had it done.
Submitted by BoDiddley
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