I just got back from my bilateral conventional vasectomy. Overall, it was a positive experience. The pain was a bit more than I thought it would be, but it wasn’t unbearable. Right now, I have a slight ache in both testicles, but it’s not too bad.
I did a lot of research on vasectomy before deciding to do it, and I’m glad I did. Knowing what to expect was a real help to me. This support group has been wonderful.
The urologist I chose specializes in the procedure, and he was very considerate of my discomfort during the surgery. He paused twice to let me relax a bit before continuing. We talked a lot during the procedure.
After reading some posts on here about urologists not having the procedure themselves, while we were talking, I decided to ask him if he would have one. He said that he would, but that he wanted to have another child first (he’s only 35 years old). I told him that I’d heard that urologists tend to avoid the procedure. He said that that wasn’t true. He told me that 3 of the 5 urologists in his practice have had vasectomies. He joked that “We do them on each other.”
I took a prescribed valium 20 minutes before the surgery, and he gave me a prescription for pain (that I haven’t yet needed). He told me to have 20 ejaculations before sending in the first sample, and that two samples would be required before I get the all-clear.
It’s been more than 48 hours now since the surgery, and I feel great! I cleared the driveway of snow today (with a shovel) and did a few other things outside the house. I’m a bit bruised and slightly swollen, but other than the day of the surgery, I’ve felt absolutely no pain. The swelling goes down noticeably each day. I’m taking extra care not to strain myself, and applying a bit of hydrogen peroxide to the two small incisions daily (the doc suggested doing this). No bleeding, no infection, and no pain!
I planned on being off work until Tuesday, but I feel so well, that I think I’ll just go ahead and return Monday. It’s been 100% positive for me. My advice to guys considering the procedure: Get a good urologist that you feel comfortable with; decide for certain that a vasectomy is right for you, and go for it!
Anyway, I just wanted to let you guys know how it went. I feel good that my fertility is in my own hands. No more worries about unwanted pregnancies. A weight has been lifted from my shoulders.
One week later
My scrotum is still slightly swollen/bruised, and occasionally I feel a twinge of pain down there, but nothing unbearable. Have masturbated twice and engaged in intercourse once, everything works just as well as it did before the surgery. Erections just as strong, feeling just as intense, etc. No regrets here.
I’ll post another follow-up in about a month when I go back for the first post-vas sperm sample.
4 weeks later
I’m almost at the 4-week mark (2 days away). I went in for a semen test today. Lab Tech found 6 non-motile sperm. The urologist says I must give 2 completely clear samples back-to-back before receiving the all-clear.
Physically, there is still no pain, the swelling is gone completely, but the incision marks are still faintly visible. The worst part of the whole thing is the hair growing back in; it itches!
Mentally, I’m still very glad I did it, and extremely satisfied with my urologist and his staff. I have great peace of mind that I didn’t have before (no more baby worries). A good night’s rest and a clean mind are priceless!
Thanks for the forum, and keep up the good work!
Submitted by Brad
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