Well, it’s been almost a year since I had my vasectomy, It’s the best thing that I have ever done. We had our second child last March and my wife and I decided this would be the last due to our age, I was 39 and my wife was 35. We made our decision while she was pregnant, she was going to have a Tubal seeing that we knew that the baby would be born by C-Section. But as time went by my wife had second thoughts about what if something happened to the baby during birth or shortly thereafter. So she decided not to have the Tubal while on the table for the C-Section. So we decided that I would have a Vasectomy when the child was safely into this world.
The worst thing about the Vasectomy process was the first trip to the doctor! I made an appointment for a consultation and nothing was said by the receptionist on the phone that I had to bring my wife. So I went to my appointment and went up to the receptionist and told her I was here for my consultation appointment. Then a nurse came out and called my name, her first words were “Where is your wife?” Nobody told me that I had to bring my wife, it’s my body we’re talking about here. They were not going to let me see the doctor without my wife. So I argued that I took time off from work for this appointment and so on… Finally after about ten minutes of arguing the doctor came out and said he would see me. I had seen him 16 years before for a Varicocelectomy so that we could have children.
He was very thorough in explaining the surgery, he only does closed-end bilateral Vasectomies he said because he feels that this traditional method is the most dependable. I agreed, whatever works the best. He did not however tell me to shave, or what to wear. He told me my wife MUST be there the day of surgery and she MUST sign the release form. (This is the first time I really realized how much power women have, as much as they say they don’t). This is my body remember!
The procedure
The day came, I really was not too nervous because I knew that I wanted to have a vasectomy and not have any more children. We arrived at the doctor, this time I brought my wife to sign the papers and drive me home and show me great support. We sat there waiting for a nervous 20 minutes. Finally, they called my name.
The doctor had me follow him to a special room with a paddle table, had me undress alone, and lay on the table. No nurse or other person was present. While I was undressing I happened to look at the tray containing the surgical instruments and 7 loaded syringes, YIKES. The only thing that I was worried about was the shots into the scrotum!
He then had me lay down on the table and gave me a shot of Valium in my arm, This is great stuff!! About 30 seconds after the shot and I could care less if he gave me 30 shots in the scrotum. Then I saw him pick up the first syringe filled with lidocaine and inject it into the scrotum, I didn’t even feel it or the rest of the shots at all.
After a short time, he tested the area and made the incision. No pain at all. Then I could feel jiggling and pulling, then he said he had the left Vas. He tied both ends prior to cutting and Snip Snip the first piece was gone and in a jar. All was well until he cauterized the two ends on the left side. I just about jumped off the table when he hit them with the cautery pencil. He explained that lidocaine doesn’t work that well with scar tissue. Any way I grit my teeth and let him finish. (Whew!). The left side took awhile he decided to do a little denervation while he was there because of the scar tissue. The right side took only about five minutes and absolutely no pain whatsoever because there was no scar tissue and all was normal. He put in the stitches and then he had me get up and get dressed and gave me a prescription for some antibiotics, but nothing for the pain. At that point, there was no pain and I felt perfectly normal.
After the vasectomy
On the way home, we got the prescription filled. When I got home I laid down and took a nap. After about 3 hours my testicles began to ache. The pain gradually got worse, but not really that bad. Not as bad as when my back goes out. I just took extra-strength Tylenol and that was fine. Things were the most painful for the first day. The second day I felt OK we even went out for dinner. By the third day I felt pretty good I kept taking Tylenol occasionally for the pain. I had my first ejaculation on the fourth day just to make sure all was OK. This first ejaculation hurt a little, but everything worked!
The only embarrassing thing was when I had to bring in the samples at four weeks and eight weeks. I had to hand the sample to the receptionist, who was embarrassed her self to handle the stuff. I was told at four weeks all was clear and that I could have unprotected sex, but he wanted to see one more sample at eight weeks to officially give me the all-clear.
Now a year later, the sex is better than ever. My orgasms are a little different though, Actually better than before. I used to have some pain from the scar tissue in the left testicle now the pain is gone. The only other thing that is different, because I had a traditional closed-end vasectomy my testicles are a bit larger and more firm than before. It’s actually increased my sexual appetite I think because my testicles are always full of sperm, I actually want more sex than before. It’s really great. Better sex, more desire, no unwanted pregnancy!
It’s been a year and positively no regrets!
Submitted by Charles
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