I have been looking and gathering information about the vasectomy procedure, and made the decision to go through with it.
My decision to get the “snip” had several reasons hooked to it:
- I didn’t want my wife to have her tubes tied. It would have been more painful for her to have that procedure done than it would be for me to get the snip.
- I wanted my wife to be free from the pill. I wanted her to be free from oral contraceptives, once and for all.
- I would have a quicker recovery time, than she would have had, getting her tubes tied.
I have been blessed with two brilliant boys. They are both like their Daddy, musically inclined and very busy. Our last son, we were hoping would be a girl, but oh well… We agreed then that he would be our last child.
It started about a month ago with a referral from my primary care physician. My urologist was very thorough and to the point. He gave me all of the pros and cons. The main cons: It might hurt a bit, no more children… which is fine with me. I did make sure that he was NOT using a laser. A friend of mine told me that after his laser vasectomy, he had swelling and told me it felt like a pocketbook was hanging down there. So I had the scalpel version done. Not a large cut, but enough to get the job done.
I am a Pentecostal minister/musician and I questioned myself…”Should I actually do this?” What would Jesus do? Maybe I should keep the option open for more children… NOT! I finally realized that my lovely wife had been using the pill during our 13 years of marriage. Certainly, this will save me money, ease our minds of possible pregnancy, and my wife will not HAVE to get her tubes tied or take any more poison!
I had awakened at about 8:30 AM, my wife and sons were alive and well. My wife kept asking me, “Are you sure?” I was going to play the victim, but I decided not to do that today. I took a shower and realized at that moment that I would never be the same again. The doctor gave me a VIOXX trial pack and a prescription for 1 VALIUM tablet. I got dressed in a golf shirt, regular briefs, and loose, but neat shorts. My wife dropped off the boys at a friend’s house, and off we go to the office. At the office, I and my wife were in the waiting room, and we then signed a consent form that says that I will be “sterile”… sounds so final! Next, they call my name.
I get escorted into the room by the nurse, she then says, “undress from the waist down and put this cover over you. The doctor will be in shortly.” It seemed like the longest wait. Speaking of wait, when is this Valium gonna start working? I thought I was going to have my first buzz. I’ve never taken alcohol or illegal drugs, so I really don’t know what a buzz is! (Back to my experience) Then the doctor and nurse come in, and they start working. I lay back at their command and they get the Betadine solution to wash my scrotum, which I shaved about 4 days prior. They continued to talk to me, just to make me more comfortable. He told me that I would feel a mosquito bite, and I felt it, then I felt nothing. In four or five minutes I asked them, “Are you done?”
They said they were done with one side… clips on and the vas tube snipped in half. I couldn’t believe it! They informed me of every step, as we went along. Then, I felt a pull… I said, “I feel that!” He then gave me another quick shot, and the feeling was gone. Another 2 minutes and the other side was done. He told me that he was doing a suture that would dissolve in a few days. He also used a new glue to cover the wound. One band-aid strapped on, and we were finished. I walked out the same way I came in… no pain or discomfort!
After the procedure
We stopped and McDonald’s drive-thru and I came home. I tried the frozen peas, but I finally figured that I really didn’t need them.
At this moment it has been exactly 7 hours since my vasectomy. I’m laying on the couch, feet up, and relaxing. I can feel that “something” was done, but no pain or discomfort. I’ll be changing the band-aid tomorrow sometime!
Day 2
Back to work for a half-day. No pain or discomfort. I am an African-American, so I really don’t see any bruising. I changed the band-aid today, without a problem. I was very careful how I sat or moved. I basically walked as normally as possible. No problems. I changed the band-aid without a hitch. Since I am an African-American, I really haven’t noticed any bruising, thus far. It is a little sore to the touch, so I don’t make it a habit to “mash” or “squeeze” anything… I ain’t THAT crazy! I tell you what, that glue stuff seems to really work with the sutures… not a problem at all!
Day 3
Today I had a wonderful day. No hurts or pain. I had to lead worship tonight, where I have to stand and play a keyboard. Well… I jumped and stomped like I normally do. No problems. God is a wonderful healer. I will change my band-aid tonight, and my stitches are still a little tender, but still livable. All of my friends are amazed at how well I’m doing. I’m waiting for my next appointment with my urologist so that he can release me to try everything out. Again, I am very careful how I sit and stand, however, overall, I still say that I’m doing good. Changed the band-aid and just checked the stitches… healing nicely. No itch yet, either! It seemed to be as easy as getting a haircut! Awesome.
Final notes
There are a few of my close friends in my church that I’ve told about my procedure. Two of them have already had the procedure done, and are very satisfied. One has called my same urologist and has scheduled to have it done next week. Other folks are squeamish but supportive. I have been a member of other churches that would probably say that I am interfering with God’s plan, or that the man’s seed is never to be messed with. I’ve heard it all, however, what are we doing when we use condoms, the pill, and other contraceptives? We are trying to prevent pregnancy! My wife and I have realized that we only have grace for our two children. If she were to get pregnant again, I know that it would be God’s will. This is why I’m going to go through the entire process, which includes being “declared” sterile. I figure it takes a REAL man to know his limits!
I would tell anyone… if you are a quick healer, non-squeamish about most things, and have a good urologist that you have been referred to, GO FOR IT! It’s also good to have a few friends praying for you!
Thanks for all of the tips on www.vasectomy-information.com, and I hope that this will help someone contemplating the procedure. Thanks for reading.
Submitted by Chuck
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