After being married for 14 years with one kid (12 years old), my wife and I began talking about permanent birth control solutions.
Out of all the options available (the pill, her getting her tubes tied, condoms, etc.. etc..) A Vasectomy was by far the most economical, the safest, the most reliable, etc.. etc. Comparing a vasectomy to a woman have her tubes tied. Well, there just isn’t any comparison. Vasectomy: 15 min operation, local anesthetic, no hospital time, 3 days and your back to work and of course the cost: $650.00. Tubal ligation: (Tubes tied) Requires an OPERATION. So, other factors listed above can vary greatly. Plus. There is no way to “check” to make sure it is “working” with a Vasectomy you can have your sperm checked to make sure it is seedless.
This all sounds like I am selling Vasectomies or something.. Well, I’m not. I wanted to post my story because reading the stories here really helped me to understand and feel more comfortable with my Vasectomy.
For a month or so I thought about it off and on trying to make myself more comfortable with “the boys” being stuck and cut and well, just tampered with, in general. I read the stories on the internet. I spoke with a few people I knew had it done, asked them if they would do it again. (all said without a doubt YES). And then I just forgot about it. Some time went by and I was talking with a friend of mine that I had consulted with several weeks earlier and he asked me if I had it done yet. I said no but was still thinking about it.
This conversation got me thinking about it again and a week later I set up my referral appointment (required by insurance). The doctor I had my appointment with was also considering Vasectomy but didn’t feel comfortable having his partner do it (they did Vasectomies in his office), so he was going to his urologist to have it done. Well, I thought if this doctor is good enough for him, he’s good enough for me. I set the consultation date and the Vasectomy date. I asked the doctor if I could get a prescription for some pills my dentist gives me to relax (I have to take these to even have my teeth cleaned), he said I wouldn’t need them but if I wanted them no problem. After talking with the doctor I found out he had a vasectomy years ago. Which made me feel a lot better about his advice.
So, the day came (a Friday), I had my wife drive me to the doctor’s office. I dropped my drawers laid back and felt very little, just a prick (pun intended) but no pain really, just a strange tugging feeling (very brief). I was done in about 10 minutes and on my way home. My wife told me she had gone downstairs to have a cigarette and just go back and I was done. We went home applied the ice for 12 hours. (some great advice a good friend gave me: get a jockstrap with a pocket for a cup and some 1-pint ziplock baggies for the ice, the bags fit perfectly in the pocket and holds the ice just where it needs to be. I’m thinking maybe this is what really sterilizes you) Anyway, I did pretty much nothing all weekend but felt fine. Here it is Monday morning and I feel normal. I have to keep reminding myself not to pick up anything heavy that I just had a Vasectomy.
Submitted by David
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