I am writing this hoping it will put some nerves at ease. I had my consultation visit on November 18, 2002, with a well-known urologist who specializes in the no-scalpel procedure. He explained the procedure in detail using some diagrams and a model. After several brief questions and an examination of the equipment, I was out the door with the big day scheduled for December 9, 2002, at 2:30 pm. Over the next month, I read every article on the internet about vasectomy and the no-scalpel vasectomy so I would know exactly what to expect on the big day. I should add that this web site is by far the best for content and information. Everything you need to know is here.
Vasectomy day
The big day arrived and I was becoming a little more nervous as the day went on. I tried getting an earlier appointment but the Doc was double booked and 2:30 pm was the only appointment he had. The rest of the morning went fairly quickly and it was now 12:30 pm time to shower and shave the nads. It was now 1:30 pm and time to take the 10mg of valium (good stuff!) I highly recommend asking your doctor for a prescription it took all my anxiety and worries away.
Arrived at the doctor’s office 10 minutes early however, he was running late and did not see me until 3:45 pm. I could not believe how quick the procedure went from here. The Doc came into the room asked me to remove my clothing from the waist down and sit on the table. He asked if I had any last-minute questions, I said no. The Doc then cleaned my nads with the orange/red antiseptic then proceeded to take hold of my right nad. Next, he said that I would feel a small prick similar to a mosquito bite and that’s all I felt. After the first injection took effect in about 10 seconds I did not feel a thing, no tugging, no pulling nothing. Literally, 5-7 minutes later the doc said you are all set he put a band-aid on the small hole that I could not even find the next day.
Before leaving I asked the Doc if he would prescribe me a pain medication which he did (Vicodin) but he said I would only need Tylenol. Off the table and out the door with no pain or discomfort.
Once I got home I placed a bag of frozen peas on my nads and kept rotating the bags for about 12 hours. I also took the Vicodin every four hours just in case for 24 hours even though I never felt any pain during or after the procedure.
I am writing this three days after the procedure and I feel pretty much back to normal. I’ll keep telling the wife that I am sore for a few more days she has taken very good care of me. We have not tested the equipment yet, I think I’ll wait the one week before the big test.
Let me tell you guys as stated in many of the postings the anticipation and anxiety are the worst part of the procedure. It really is not that bad if I can do it anyone can. I would recommend the no-scalpel procedure and don’t forget to ask for the valium.
Submitted by David
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