Had my vasectomy last Thursday morning. Waiting for the doctor to show up was the worst part (ie thinking about the unknown). Anyway, the second-worst part was the anesthetic… The first needle wasn’t that bad because I didn’t know it was coming. The second one was very bad because I knew what was going to happen, and my testicles weren’t happy about it.
Once the freezing was in, however, it was just pressure and that wasn’t too bad. Snip snip… cauterized the ends and the incision and he was done. 7 and a half minutes and I was getting ready to leave.
Drive home wasn’t bad either, and about 2 hours later the freezing came out. Took some Advil (2 tabs every 4 hours) and wore a jock for three days. Not much pain and didn’t need a bag of peas or anything. Just relax, lay back, watch the star wars trilogy, lethal weapon 4 pack, or the godfather trilogy…whatever. Sit down, raise your feet, and take it easy.
Day 6 and the pain is almost gone. Went golfing today and didn’t have any problems, although my game sucked because I wasn’t turning my hips too much (still favoring the boys a bit, at least that was my excuse for a sad 88!)
However, for anyone who says “minor” discomfort, they must have had it better than I did because any time it feels like someone kicked you in the nuts, and it lasts for 3-4 days, you cannot describe it as minor. It is a lingering soreness that only time will heal.
For those of you worried about it… don’t be. It’s not that big a deal. After seeing my wife give birth to four girls (yes four, I have a male dog and that’s the only help I get around here) I consider this the less painful process.
All in all not too bad, and about what I was expecting. Could have been worse however.
Anyways, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!
Submitted by Dimon
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