Due to the fact that my wife is allergic to the pill, and condoms have been the main contraception, my wife and myself decided on a vasectomy. The big day was at 14:00 on the 26 February 2001. Dr. Botha, a leading Urologist, said that he could do the procedure with his eyes closed. (I told him to close his eyes for the next guy, and keep his eyes open).
I have had an NSV done, and in the whole procedure, I felt no pain whatsoever. (Not even the local anesthetic needle – oh maybe a slight prick). The entire procedure took about 20 minutes. I must add, I have a phobia of doctors, and the pain they can administer and stuff. Basically, after the anesthetic was injected into the skin, I felt nothing. It felt as if someone was playing with my nuts. The VAS was tied into a “U” and heat-sealed, (both ends).
The nurse stuck a grounding pad on my thigh, and the most painful of the whole procedure was to remove this pad. (I have quite a bit of hair on my legs). The nurses tried to remove it without hurting me. I grabbed the pad and ripped it off. It felt as if I was removing a giant band-aid, and leg hair came off with it. (Just like a woman waxing her legs). The doctor said I must not shave, as the scent in the soap or foam, (in his experience) causes infection.
The doctor prescribed some pain killers, and I must say that the pain on the first day is a dull (slight) pain in the nuts, as if someone squeezed them. I used an ice pack, not because I felt pain, but because everyone on the internet said that I should. Even though my wife came to the clinic to drive me home after the procedure, I was ok to drive myself home.
Please, guys, a vasectomy should be considered permanent, be absolutely sure it is what you want. I have two kids and I am 36 (I do not want more kids).
After the procedure
I still feel no pain. My wife said that she needs some gravel to decorate the garden, which I collected, and offloaded it myself from a pick-up (Sweat was pouring down my face). Who said that you shouldn’t do any physical work after a vasectomy? I still felt no pain, and no pain killers were needed. (Oh there was a bit of bruising on the base of the penis… but I felt nothing).
I will go through a vasectomy operation 100 times, before I go to a dentist for a simple filling.
Submitted by Dorino
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