I am 42 and have 2 wonderful children. I am getting my vasectomy on next Friday, 2/18. I am REALLY a bit nervous about this, though I do want to get it done.
I am more nervous about the pre-op prep and actual “cutting” than what it will feel like afterward. I don’t like condoms, and my wife had had the Depo-Provera injections and “the Pill”. I don’t like the side effects of those. She gave birth 2 months ago and is trying to get back to her normal weight. We are blessed to have a boy of 2 months and a girl of 6 years. She had several miscarriages and we talked prior to the last child being born and said this was our last try, no matter what. God took care of the rest.
An odd thing though, in our area, they offered to tie her tubes at birth. We both said no, as this was a more “major” procedure. Yet, two urologists refused to do the vasectomy on me until the second child was 6 months old. Since I am a golf course superintendent, this would put the surgery in April or May for me, which is my busiest time. Both our children, we had in the “off-season” purposely so I could spend as much time postpartum with them and my wife, trying to help. I did find it odd that during the pre-op vas check, 2 guys flatly refused to do the surgery. Their reason was SIDS. I was emphatic with the one as he was checking the vas, and he told me this. I told him about my situation and would go elsewhere. He was like “well, that’s our policy, sorry”.
I have seen the horror stories online and I guess I should just ignore them and put them out of my mind. I was talking to a buddy in the Sunday school class I teach (I do the young adults age 20-40) who has had it done already. He did say the post-op pain was medium, but no difference afterward. This has eased my mind. Anyhow, after helping deliver both my kids, I think this is the least I can do for our marriage.
I am getting the usual ribbing from my friends at work and church, which, oddly I enjoy. Our youth director is going to go with me on the day as my wife has to work (she does the after school programming at church). The joke is the pets in our family are all “fixed” and now it’s daddy’s turn to get “tutored” (instead of neutered)… Lots of laughs at this point. I just hope I don’t chicken out the last minute.
Feb 12
The pre-op went fine. He examined me and located both vas easily. As I said, my concern is more with “what will it feel like and look like” after, and the needle to numb… Talked to my Dr. and his nurse today. He called in some drugs for me to take next Thurs and Fri before the operation. I am scheduled for 12 noon. He assured me I was normal to be a bit scared.
Feb 14
Well, guys, I kind of freaked out Friday and called my doctor. I am getting the traditional 2 cuts and burn all 4 ends when done. He gave me an RX for Lorazepam to take, one the night before, one when I get up, and one when I get to the hospital 1 hour before surgery. I almost asked him to bump the procedure up. I want to get the damned thing over.
I am really freaking out. The surgeon wanted to have my normal Doc give me another Rx for Loranzapan for this week prior. My regular Dr. refused. I think I will be getting a new Dr. I have never cared for his bedside manner and he is rough as hell. One would think having male anatomy he would be a little gentler.
I am going to see another Dr tomorrow. I will take 1mg this evening; hopefully, I can get a decent night’s rest. Should be able to get another RX for Lorazepam… I just didn’t want to take them and NOT have them for the day of the surgery. If I can get through this I am going to have a party. Plus, I have to get some sleep. I had sweats and upset stomach today – all I could think about was the grip on my right side and the shot… ouch. Couldn’t eat and keep it down…
Feb 16
Getting cold feet. Went to another Dr. Switched doctors. She evaluated my situation and gave me 20 Valium at 5 mg each… told me to use as I needed… Took 2 this evening and am really nervous…..ARGH!
Felt like cancelling after a fight with my wife. Calmed down later. This site is such a help.
Feb 17
Welp, tomorrow is the day (10 AM EST)… unless the hospital changes its mind. I’m ready and calm and sleeping well.
Feb 18
Well, the day is here! It’s 6:00 AM EST. My surgery is at 8:30. I have to be at the hospital at 6:30 so I had better get a move on. If I can get a computer after, I will update it. As Captain Picard of the USS Enterprise would say “Engage”.
I intend to enjoy all the pain meds they will give me. It is amazing the number of friends I have who are quizzing me and want more info. I have pointed the ones with net access to this site. Their wives want them to get “it” done. They want to know what it is like… so; if nothing else, I will be able, as will the readers of this support group, to ease some minds. Again, thanks to you all so much. This is a great site. I feel good, relaxed, and ready.
Hey! It’s over and done. Want my story? Here it is:
I was supposed to get to the hospital at 6:30. Made it there by 6:45. They took me back, drew some blood, and hooked up the IVs. The nurses were great. Told me to get into my birthday suit, put on the hospital gown, and lie back down. They wheeled me into the holding area. I am feeling fine… (the drugs), but not doped”.
The surgeon checked me and looked at the site. I was in a dead sleep. Said, “What is your name?” I told him, Forrest Smith. He said “and what are we doing this morning? I told him “penis enlargement, Dr”. The whole place howled. Then I told him the truth, “Vasectomy”… he smiled. Got the IV’s going now, the D5W and valium, plus the pain killer which I can’t remember what they told me it was. I kept falling asleep. They freaked when they tried to wake me. Thought I had passed out. My wife & 2-month-old are still with me and she reminded them I sleep deep.
Ed, one of my nurses came back and said “we have to shave you and put some iodine on you”. Checked the package and since I had already done some trimming, skipped the shave. Buttered my scrotum and penis up like a thanksgiving roll. Transferred from the holding bed to the operating table. Strapped my legs and arms to the table. I was super calm. Told me to relax. I told them easy for you to say… but I was really relaxed. 10 mg valium and 1 mg lorazepam plus the IV drip of valium, pain killer, and sedation going.
He started on my right side. I felt him take my right testicle in his hand and locate the vas. He said “this is going to hurt; I am going to inject the local” I am thinking to myself “OK here it comes”. IT WAS NOTHING. Very little discomfort with the numbing. Then he went to town. The left side done in 15 minutes. He was taking his time and a nurse named Cindy was talking to me. Giving me play by play. I asked to watch it. Dr. could not let me. Cindy was there talking to me, so it was fine. On to the left side.
My left hangs lower. He began to locate and numb, no problem, then he began to cut. I almost came off the table. Cindy told him to stop and give me more local, which he did, also injected something into the IV. The left side took about 20-25 minutes and the cuts are almost on the bottom left of the scrotum. All the time, I am alert and totally aware of what is going on. Cindy giving me the play by play. The left cut is almost on the bottom of the scrotum. I think it is just the way the testicle hangs.
“OK, you’re done”…The nurse (Ed) helped me fit into a suspensory, which I have never seen. Like a jock but the penis hangs out. I ask how long the numbing will last. They tell me for 2 hrs. OK… Total surgery time – Began at 8:50 and out at 10 am, I checked out the 2 specimens they cut out. “That’s your vas,” Ed said. “No more babies for you bud”.
I feel great now. Been asleep on the couch all afternoon. Took 1 hydrocodone/app 1000 mg. But this was just because of the discomfort on the left side. NO PAIN on the right side. I feel like such a baby! All the worry and panic over nothing. I credit my lack of pain to my skilled surgeon and the team at Raleigh Memorial Hospital, plus you guys here on this website.
Just checked the package and site. Some blood and NO swelling. I am going to stay in my back for a couple of days, then do what I can. Keeping the ice packs changed and fresh.
Feb 19
It is now 7:00 AM EST. Been keeping down and iced. No swelling, the left lower side of the testicle is tender to the touch, but not bad at all. Pain range 1 to 10 scale… MAYBE, MAYBE a 1.5. By the way; I have kept athletic supporter, ice, and no lifting since the surgery STRICTLY in place.
A thing that has helped, even though I feel fine. I am almost no pain (1-10 being a 0.5) I have kept iced and lifted NOTHING. I feel like I can do anything, but I know; if I do, strain those delicate chords. They must heal. I also used to do Karate. I have a cup w/ supporter. I have been wearing the supporter with the ice packs in the pouch where the cup goes. I have done this continually since the surgery, 27 hours ago.
Guys, I feel fine. I was all worked up over nothing. I looked at the site this morning, no swelling, no bruising. He did use silk stitched. I have to go back on 25 February to get them out. I have been stitched several times, (for other injuries) and I don’t think that will be a big deal. I will continue to update here and then let you know how my 30-day semen analysis goes. I have seen where you have to do 10-20 ejaculations, but my Dr. wants me to come back on 18 March and give them a sample. I sure hope I don’t have to “fill the cup”… we could be there a while…
One week follow-up
A follow up on things. Had my one-week post-op checkup. The doctor said all looked good. Some swelling in testicles, he said it should go away in a month; no pain. Got my little specimen container. Gotta bring it back in a month too.
Hey, I had to throw in a joke! I feel GREAT!
On a humorous note, they kept asking me my “name” & “what I was here for” in the hospital. At one point I told one of the male nurses my name and I was here for penis enlargement, not vasectomy. I don’t clearly remember doing that, but my wife does… she laughed.
Feb 20
36 hours post-op. Doing nothing but keeping on the icepacks. I feel great. The doctor tells me to keep doing what I am doing for a good recovery. Not lifting (except the baby), not worrying…..just chilling. Pain factor on a 1 to 10 scale is 0.25
Thank You, God!
I cannot thank you, members, of this site enough. I was ready to throw a fit and cancel. Sorry, that’s the “MAN’ in me. I am sure glad I did this. Many thanks to you all & God bless you. I will keep you posted.
March 19
Well, I guess this is the end of the road for me. I had my first semen analysis today. One month post; no sperm present. All is well and I am “shooting blanks”.
You have to have faith and smile.
Submitted by Forrest
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