First I had my vasectomy on March 24, 2000.
After my wife and myself decided that we only wanted one child, but now have two, it was time to do something about a permanent form of birth control (the pill was not an option, it made the wife irritable and hard to live with…hehe). I, for one, was not really happy with the idea of using a condom and for the spontaneity that would be lost.
The procedure
Arrived at the doctor’s office at 11:20 am on Friday, March 24th. I was then taken back to the room at 11:35 (apt was for 11:30). I was then told to strip from the waist down and lie on the table with a sheet on top of me. About 5 minutes later the doctor came in, and then came the worst part, the dry shave (the doctor said he preferred to do it because people went crazy and shaved too much ). Then came the first shot (and I hate needles with a passion) barely felt anything, then the second and third shot into each Vas… About 5 minutes after the injections, I asked the doctor what he was doing now and he said just pulling the Vas out (man, I was surprised) I didn’t feel the puncture. Total of about 5 injections.
Well to make it short, I was on the table a total of about 20 minutes (First injection to the time he told me to get up ). He told me to take it easy and stay off my feet the rest of the day, and gave me a prescription for pain pills…
After the surgery
I was feeling fine and the wife and I stopped by the local Wal-Mart to get the prescription filled and we walked around the store for about 30 minutes waiting to get the pills.
After arriving home, I was feeling a little pain (I guess from walking around so much after the procedure) so I took one of the pills and stayed off my feet for the rest of the day… (was on the computer with feet propped up). Then right before bed took another pill. Believe it or not, I only took 3 pain pills from the whole prescription, all on the day of the procedure. I didn’t use the ice packs or frozen peas (I did have them on hand though).
I only had some slight bruising on each side of the sac, but other than that, that was it….For about 4-5 days afterward, I had a slight discomfort (not pain, just pressure). and by the 7th day, I had nothing (no pain, discomfort, or anything).
Had sex on the third day with no problems. (Was recommended to wait a week)
All in all, I would recommend the NSV (I would rather go through the whole process again than go to the dentist). It was quick, painless, and no stitches (went home with a band-aid).
Submitted by Gary
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