Today is the one month and a day anniversary of my vasectomy. I had my second post-vasectomy sample checked yesterday (just coincidence on the timing) and it was sperm free, as was my first one a little over 2 weeks ago!
I decided to go ahead and get the vasectomy around early August 2002. I had been researching heavily on the net, this site, and elsewhere before making the decision. Went to my GP for a referral to a urologist for the procedure. My GP tried to reassure me that sexual function would be fine masculinity would be intact, etc. but I already understood all that before getting that far. I asked for suggestions for a urologist that performed non-scalpel vasectomies. My GP was unfamiliar with NSV and I explained it to him. He gave me a list of 5 or 6 urologists in the area and told me to call when I decided on one that I liked and they would write the referral.
I made a few phone calls and found a couple of doctors who performed NSV. I picked the one with the earliest opening and the most convenient office. Unfortunately, all of the urologists in this area ONLY do vasectomies on Fridays. I know most people like the idea of resting for a weekend and being back at work on Monday, but my weekends are very busy and I could have easily taken a couple of days off work early in the week. I was scheduled to meet with the Dr about a month later on a Thursday, and scheduled the procedure for the day after! I had kept the appt for the consultation but had to reschedule twice due to things coming up on weekends and I wanted to get this done as soon as possible.
The consultation went smoothly. After a short wait, I was led into the office and asked for a urine sample. The nurse took my BP asked a couple of questions on my medical history (allergies to meds or latex, etc.), and left me to wait for the Dr. He came in shortly, we exchange pleasantries. He gave me a very quick rundown on the procedure and had me get on an examination table and lower my pants. He felt around and basically showed me how the procedure would go, grabbing each vas and showing me how he would access and disconnect it. He gave me a booklet to read, an information sheet, and a consent form to sign and left me to read up. He returned 5-10 minutes later, asked if I had any questions, I signed the form and I was on my way.
The day of the procedure
The vasectomy was scheduled for 1:00 pm. I didn’t get into the exam room until about 1:20. I was brought into a lavatory, told to remove my pants and given a gown, and told to go into the room next door when done. I got up on the table, reclined, and had a nice chat with the cute new nurse who was going to observe. The Dr. came in along with the regular nurse (also VERY cute), made a joke about it being a good thing this was after lunch because his hangover was gone and he had stopped shaking…
Time to get it on… He swabbed me down with anti-bacterial and gave me about 3 shots of novocaine in my scrotum and waited a minute. He pricked my scrotum with a pin and asked if I could feel it. Nope. He explained everything as he worked. The left side was first. No feeling of tugging or anything but some occasional light pressure. He went to work on the right and I winced and stiffened with just a twinge of pain. He gave me another shot of novocaine and continued. The right side seemed to be a little more sensitive than the left, but again, no real pain, just mild discomfort. Despite performing a non-scalpel vasectomy this Doctor likes to put a stitch or two over the hole. I could feel the tugging and pulling of those stitches being put in more than anything else he did. Changed back into my clothes, the Dr left me with final words and an instruction sheet for post-procedure care and 2 specimen jars. I was out of the office about 1 hour after the procedure started.
Drove home, about a 10-minute drive. Changed into some sweats, got some ice, and hit the sofa. Took a couple of Advil when I got home and again after dinner. I didn’t feel any pain but wanted to have a little prevention for when the novocaine wore off. Got up a few times to have a cig and had 3-4 beers to celebrate. Kept the ice on most of the time from when I got home, about 2:30 until dinner, about 6:00. Hit the sofa again after dinner. Iced from maybe 7:00-8:00. Went to bed early-maybe 9:00 and put ice on until I fell asleep-about 9:30.
The recovery
Saturday still no pain. Took Advil throughout the day just in case. Hit the sofa from when I got up, about 7:00 am until 3:00 pm, and occasionally put ice on for a while during that time. Went to my in-laws for dinner, and stopped at a store for some shopping on the way home. No pain, very mild swelling. So far so good.
Sunday no ice or Advil. Had a few beers, watched football on tv, pretty much a normal Sunday. Felt pretty good-an an occasional twinge on the left side. Mild swelling is almost gone. Hated the stitches. I think they were more uncomfortable than anything else by then.
Went to work Monday. By Monday afternoon I was experiencing the most pain or maybe I should say discomfort that I had felt so far. Sitting in my too hard chair at work was getting to me by mid-afternoon. Back to Advil Monday night.
Tuesday I felt fine. Stitches starting to dissolve. The stitches were still the most uncomfortable part. Everything was doing fine. Masturbated Tuesday am for the first time, and had sex that night. Everything worked fine, with no pain or discomfort.
Stitches done with dissolving by Sunday. Hooray! Glad to be rid of them. Monday morning. OH MY GOD. It looks like there’s a big hole in my scrotum… oh, that’s because there is. When the skin was contracted it looked ok (and only ok), but if it was hanging lose it was ugly and raw looking. Went on vacation Wednesday. Vacillated the whole time between thinking it was looking pretty good to think I was surely deformed for life. Would have called the Dr if I was home…
Got back Sunday pm and called the Doctor first thing Monday am. It seemed to be looking better, but at this point, I wanted to know for sure if I was just being paranoid or if this really wasn’t OK. This certainly wasn’t what I had in mind after reading about NSV! It was also time for my first specimen. I dropped that off at the desk and after a short wait went into the exam room. The Dr came in and told me he had checked my sample and that it was sperm free. I told him of my concern and he took a look. He said the stitches probably came out a little too early (and to think I wanted them gone sooner) but that in another 2-3 weeks I would be completely healed. By the end of the week, the hole had closed up to a small pink dot. It seemed to plateau for about a week then again improved markedly over the course of the next few days. As I write this it looks pretty good, just a little pink in that spot which is fairly small. 1 week from today will be the third week that the Dr said I should be completely healed after, so it looks like I’m right on target.
Would I do it again?
Well, I met a cute young thing a couple of weeks ago and we’re on the verge of intimacy. In a conversation just the other day she told me that she’s off the pill for a while and that she believes in abortion, but wouldn’t have one sooo… I just smiled and told her that wouldn’t be a problem…
Submitted by Gerard
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