Its 11:30 am the day after, First of all, I will admit I was extremely nervous yesterday. My appointment was at 2:15 pm yesterday, felt pretty cocky when I got there. The waiting room was full, with each a nurse entered the waiting room to call a patient’s name my nerves got worse. I just kept nudging closer to Carol (my wife), without her I probably would have walked out by 3:15. At 3:45 she appeared again and announced my name. Nervously I followed like a cow going to slaughter. They left me in the room for about 20 minutes allowing me to stare at the tools of destruction which only added to my nervous condition. When the doctor came in I asked him to explain in detail what he was going to do, this helped a lot as I don’t like surprises.
My biggest fear “the needle” wasn’t bad at all, only felt the first two pricks. I then went into having an in depth discussion about how Carol and I saved a lot of money buying our furniture in North Carolina. It was a very one-sided conversation and when I got to the point of asking him if he ever thought of doing the same I was told “YOUR DONE”. Wow, I felt nothing! Went home, iced up, did a Percoset and a glass of Rosemount for any pain the might appear but never really did, watched part of the Yankee game wrapped up in Carol’s arms and dropped off into never-never land. When we awoke this morning we had to test the equipment, not highly advisable but we did anyway. All was in working order what a relief.
All in all, it was a cakewalk. The doctor said it would take 12 shots to clear out so I told Carol it would take 30. The doctor said to drop a sample off in 30 days, Carol, and I agree we’ll have it done in a week.
My advice stop worrying, its not worth it.
Submitted by Greg
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