Hello, my name is Jason and I am a 34-year-old Texan who has lived in Belgium for almost 5 years. I live in Belgium because my wife is Belgian and I chose to move here and be with her. I am going in tomorrow morning to have a vasectomy done and so I thought I would join this group to know what to expect before and after the procedure.
The week before the procedure I went in to consult with the urologist, who explained the procedure, what to expect before and afterward and how to prepare pre-op. My wife was present when we went in for the consultation but he didn’t specifically ask her permission, probably because we were in such definite and obvious agreement about wanting this done. We do not have children and do not want any. We do not want children because we like our lifestyle the way it is and just don’t see ourselves as parents. Secondly, I have a severe reaction to any kind of insect bites, and even mosquito bites require antibiotic ointment. Also, my wife has liver problems and she also was operated on her uterus when she was a teenager and doctors were fearful that should she get pregnant complications would arise from this previous procedure. So the urologist said it was probably a good idea that we did not want children anyway. (We own 2 cats and 300 teddy bears so we have plenty to care for as it is LOL).
The doctor did frankly discuss sex during the consultation and briefly talked about it when he came to my room after the procedure was done. Over here the Europeans are not as inhibited when it comes to talking about sex as the Americans are, and after I moved over here to Belgium that took some getting used to!
The only real screening was the doctor making me take a full physical beforehand and then deeply questioning me about my medical history. The questioning about my medical history was of a general nature and the urologist hinted that he was seeking out any allergic possibilities, so I suppose it was related to what kind of anesthesia he planned to use. He did check my general health but it seemed standard, so I guess he was just checking to see if I was physically fit enough to go through the procedure, at least that is the impression that I got.
2 days later
I had the procedure yesterday. The doctor did a bilateral procedure where he went in on the sides of the testicles instead of from the bottom like I expected. He came very highly recommended by my wife’s gynecologist and he seemed to know what he was talking about so I trust him. I have had a little swelling and only minor soreness and pain. I feel a little weak and I need to stay off my feet but otherwise, I feel okay. Thank goodness my job training is on vacation for the time being.
Before the op, he told me what procedure he would be using and about suture care and post-op follow-up. They did give me some kind of sedative beforehand to take the edge off because I started to panic about 10 minutes before the nurses came for me. The meds, my wife, and the presence of a few of my teddy bears calmed me down (I collect teddy bears BTW). All I do know is that it mellowed me out fairly quickly without leaving me too lethargic. I had a general anesthetic, where they put me under completely because even though my penis is average size there is not much room in the scrotal area and the doc wanted to put me under to ensure against the tissue sealing together. They used a bilateral procedure, where they went in from the sides and not from underneath or from the top like I was expecting.
I can have sex about a week or so after the procedure even though I am allowed to test the plumbing now. (I have done so solo to keep roughness off the scrotum and things seem to be working fine.) My wife and I can have sex again about 1-2 weeks after the procedure but we still have to use protection for at least another 2-3 months Then they will analyze a sperm sample under a microscope to check to see if I am sterile. I am scheduled to go back in about 3 weeks to check on the incision and then in October to check the sperm count.
My doctor recommended about a week before trying to ejaculate, certainly 3-4 days at least, so no looking at Jessica Alba (LOL). I’m wearing special support underwear to hold it in place, but I may send my wife out to look at jocks later. I haven’t really had that much swelling, just a little. I am trying to stay off my feet as much as possible, which is difficult considering I am an active person, so staying off my feet will be a pain in the ass. But I like to read, and I am also an aspiring writer so I have my books, my fiction, and my wife to keep me company. I also am afraid of rupturing the suture so I will do my best to take it easy. The doctor said we need to use birth control still until at least October so we will use protection until then. I plan to test the system this weekend, once I am sure the sutures are not gonna rupture.
Thank you for this wonderful group, where I can talk about this and not feel ashamed or embarrassed.
Submitted by Jason
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