At 34 with two children, we decided a vasectomy was the best way to enjoy each other and prevent adding headcount to our family. My wife is a nurse and set me up with a urologist she works with in the operating room.
A consultation was required, so we discussed the permanent nature of the procedure. The doctor went over the steps he would take in the procedure, and what I would expect as far as discomfort goes. Once I committed, he set up a date for the procedure.
The vasectomy
On the day of the procedure, I had to sign a few forms that basically say I agree to become sterile. I had a brief hot moment when it sank in that I would not be able to procreate again, but this wasn’t about me: it was about us.
The procedure took place on a reclined chair with my manhood accessible to the doctor under a bright light. He started with a shave and then numbed my scrotum. This felt like dozens of bee stings in the most sensitive of areas, but I gritted my teeth and the novocaine quickly took effect.
The doctor was great through the whole procedure. He stressed the importance of staying still and keeping my hands out of the sterile field below. They were folded behind my head, where they stayed the whole time. He engaged in friendly conversation, and kept me talking while he did his work.
Somewhere in the procedure, there was an intense pain as he did some sort of clamping. It had pain identical to getting socked in the nads but was accompanied by a distinct tugging action. I think he had hold of a vessel attached to a testicle and was pulling on it a little. He noticed my pain and loosened up a bit. This happened on each side.
After the operation
The stitching wasn’t a problem, but I was very sore getting my clothes on and walking to my car with a prescription in hand. It felt like constant pressure, and dull pain that I knew would grow as the novocaine wore off.
By the time I got to the drug store, I was in considerable pain. I decided to wait and stressed to the guy taking prescriptions that I was in significant pain due to outpatient surgery just a half-hour ago. As soon as I got the drug, I took one and drove home.
The pain was somewhere around 7 for that night and went down 1 number per day. I had to keep a gauze pad on my scrotum, and my penis folded over it to keep it in place. Using the urinal was an exercise in caution because I didn’t want to disturb the site.
Also, he wanted two “samples” to verify the effectiveness of the procedure. Both showed success.
Overall, the result of the procedure is exactly what we wanted: freedom and no worry about more kids. Although it was a little painful to me (I am a wimp when it comes to pain), I am sure it pales in comparison to what my wife went through to bear two children. We’re both very happy.
Submitted by Joe
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