Just had it done and figured I better put in my two cents. Zero trouble! The procedure took a whole of 25 minutes total clinic time 45 from check-in to check-out. The only thing I can figure why some folk would have trouble would be perhaps the procedure used by the doctor and the skill level of the doctor. But since there was a lot of negative feedback about vasectomy here, I’d thought to post my positive experience.
Here is how the procedure went for me:
- Tablet of Tylenol with Codeine.
- Small shot to numb the area, that was the most painful of the procedure and that wasn’t bad at all.
- The right side took about 10 minutes and never felt a thing, although the clicking of the snips and forceps was a little disturbing.
- The left side took about 10 minutes and felt one tug but the shot was worse.
- Three stitches on either side to close up.
- Cleanup and I was out of there.
I was a little sore… almost no swelling what-so-ever. I recommend an ice pack on 20 minutes off 20 minutes, and rotate for the remainder of the day… Should not be left on all day.
The next day, the most discomfort I have is having to wear an athletic support. Did get a little sore late in the day…laid on the couch to rest for a bit.
My doctor had 30 years experience in performing vasectomies, I can only figure that is why my case went so well.
Submitted by Justin
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