I had scheduled a vasectomy procedure because I am 40 years old, have two children, and don’t want any more. It was time. I had heard the stories of swollen testicles, intense pain, long recovery, etc. I decided to research the effects myself and found your site very helpful and encouraging. My vas was scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 13th, at 2 pm.
The vasectomy
The procedure took only about 40 minutes with a shot of valium and some numbing shots in the scrotum. Honestly, I was not as nervous as I thought I would be and the procedure was a mild one. I had very few moments of any kind of discomfort. In fact, the shot of valium in my right arm and pulling the heart monitor sticky pads off my hairy chest was more painful than the rest of the procedure. I have had worse pain at the dentist. Besides, the doctor liked listening to Michigan University marching band music too. I am from Ohio so, no OSU Buckeye remarks, or I might have ended up much worse off.
After the surgery
Immediately after the procedure, I was a bit groggy but very coherent. I used the method of “two” pairs of jockey shorts (that I read about here) and a formable ice pack for the ride home (about 20 minutes). Once I got home it was to the couch and some Advil. My doctor prescribed 500mg acetaminophen and some Vicodin. Didn’t even have the prescription filled. Very little discomfort of any kind over the first day.
It is now 7:30 pm on Friday and I feel great. No pain, just an occasional dull ache if I walk around too much. One small stitched area directly below the penis. I thought I would have two small areas but only have one entry point with very few stitches. Very little seeping and I also took advice about using polysporin. Got some Wednesday night the day before along with some 2″ pads to change the dressing. Also followed the advice of taking a crap before going. That would have been VERY uncomfortable had I needed to go right after the procedure. So far, no swelling, very little discoloration, no pain. I will be going to a soccer game tomorrow and back to work Monday. Traveling on Tuesday and returning Wednesday (we will see how that goes after a 2-hour presentation).
I felt compelled to chime in here since the site really gave me a comfort level and knowledge that I had not thought of in many areas. I will update as I can next week and should continue to follow up through my “all clear” certification from the lab.
Submitted by Lawman
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