I had a vasectomy 23 years ago and it’s the best thing we have ever done!
After reviewing a few of the stories here, we thought I should provide comments on my experience to calm the fears of any who might be contemplating this procedure.
We decided to have a vasectomy before we got married. That may sound strange to some, but for us, it was easy; we were both in our late 30’s and the desire for children was zero; I am a type 1 diabetic, since age 4, and we didn’t want any accidental offspring to have the experiences I had growing up with the disease; my wife to be would have required surgery to correct fallopian tube problems and was having problems with the pill, so making birth control my responsibility was easy. Three years later we changed our minds about children, so we adopted our son.
This was 23 years ago and I had a scalpel based one. It was done on a Tuesday morning at the Doctor’s office, who was the head of the Urology Department at UCLA, so was very knowledgeable and I experienced minimal discomfort during the procedure. The procedure took about an hour, and I ‘rested’ in the Dr.s office for another hour before going home.
I drove myself to and from the Doctors office and by the time I got home, I was feeling a bit of discomfort in my scrotum; it felt like my testicles had swelled somewhat. I watched TV and slept most of the day and went to work the next morning, still with a bit of discomfort, but not enough to keep me from being productive.
I took a semen sample into the Dr’s. office Friday morning and, since it tested free of sperm, we resumed our sexual life that evening, and the following morning, and several times during that first weekend. It has to be the best decision of my life!
I have to admit that my scrotum and testicles were still somewhat sore, but not enough to keep us from doing what we wanted to do that weekend, and with each ejaculation, the soreness eased so that by the end of the weekend, there was no discomfort at all. The FREEDOM of worry allowed us to grow and glow together and become “one-flesh.”
In our early married years, we were able to explore and experience all the joys and pleasures of our sexuality without fear of pregnancy. It allowed us to get to know and experience each other more fully, at any hour of any day, at any time of the month. This spontaneity brought us together more than any other aspect of our wonderful relationship.
I know procedures have changed somewhat since I had mine done, but if anyone would like to discuss this topic privately, send me a message and I’ll try to answer any concerns you may have.
Submitted by Lee
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