I’ve spent enough time on this site reading others stories, I thought I’d contribute myself.
I had my vasectomy done almost exactly a week ago and have no regrets. I am 33 and my wife and I have 2 children. We decided that is enough. The only birth control we’ve ever used is condoms and I’m sick and tired of them. We originally talked about vasectomy over a year ago. I went in for a consultation and scheduled the appointment to have it done. However, the week I was to have it done, my wife (more so than I) had second thoughts. Our fears were not so much that we wanted more children, but what if something happened to her or the kids. Was I sure I wanted to do this? I backed out and didn’t get around to it for another year.
This past December, I decided it was time. I think this will improve our sex life (or at least I hope) because we won’t have to fumble around for condoms, etc… I had also talked to a few friends who went through it, and they said it wasn’t all that bad. Everyone I talked to (4-5 guys) who was a few months removed highly recommended it. I had to go back for another consultation, but I skipped the video this time, talked to the doctor for 5 minutes, then set the appointment. My only regret there is I should have watched the video again. I honestly couldn’t remember exactly what they did. Part of this is ok because I really didn’t want to know, but part of that is a problem, because I wasn’t exactly sure where they were cutting, etc.
The vasectomy
My appointment was for 4:00 on a Friday afternoon. My wife came along, with both our kids (4 1/2; 1 1/2.) My in-laws usually watch the kids, but we didn’t want to let them know I was doing this. Embarrassment for me, and the fact my mother-in-law still holds out hope we’re having another child. I checked in, and almost immediately went back to the room. I was a little nervous, but confident. I was just anxious about how much pain I’d feel. The nurse asked me to strip down and wait.
The doctor came in a few minutes later. I really like my urologist, a good guy, very friendly. He asked me to lay back, then he went to work. The shot was a little painful, but not too bad. I felt a little uncomfortable during the sniping of the vas right below my shaft. I could still feel some tugging, etc. After a minute or so, this all disappeared. I didn’t feel anything but the shot in the scrotum, which again, wasn’t too bad. The doc and I chatted the whole time. I’m into running and lifting weights a bunch, and he was a runner, so we talked about that (nutrition, etc…) It was a very casual conversation which is pretty funny if you think about what he was doing. After about 15 minutes, he was done. They had me wait a few minutes afterward to make sure I wasn’t bleeding. Then I slipped on my jock and walked out. No pain at all so far. I was walking gingerly, but I think that was more paranoia than anything.
After the procedure
I got home and planted myself in a chair and put a bag of crushed ice in a Ziploc bag on my sack. I sat there for a good 3-4 hours with no problems at all. The biggest dilemma I had faced so far was trying to figure out what to tell my inquisitive 4-year-old who wanted to get in my lap. I went with the story that I had shots in my legs. I did have one pretty bad experience, the first time I got up to take a leak. I had the bright idea that it might be easier if I sat down to pee. When I pulled down the jock and my ball sack got loose a shooting pain hit my right testicle. It hurt, big time. Then trying to sit, I got very light-headed and nauseous. This happened every time I got up the first 12 hours or so, although to a lesser extent each time I got up. My doctor said it could have been caused by anxiety. I’m not sure that’s the case, because I really wasn’t feeling anxious. But maybe that shooting pain in my right nut made me anxious subconsciously for a while.
That whole weekend, I took it very easy. Lots of ice on Saturday and only took the jock off to take a shower on Sunday. I ended up sleeping in a chair with an audimon the first two nights. When I laid down flat, I felt some tugging on my nuts, that didn’t really hurt, I just thought it might. I slept fine sitting up with a bunch of pillows. Watched lots of football, Curb Your Enthusiasm episodes I had Tivo’d, and anything else I could find. Was waited on by my wife and kids all weekend.
Yesterday I went back for my follow-up, everything is going fine. I’m still feeling a little pain in my right nut, but it gets better each day. It really only happens if I exert a little too much energy. This morning, was the first morning I didn’t have any discomfort with my nuts in taking a shower. I’m still wearing a jock (as the doc said to for 7 days.) I might try to go without it tomorrow, maybe not. I’ve read where some of these guys have had sexual experiences within the first week…you guys are crazy. I haven’t had the courage to try, I figure I’ll hold off for a few more days. Besides, I’m not sure I could get off with stitches on my dingus. I haven’t worked out all week, I’m going to start up again Monday I think. I’m a big fan of doing squats, so I’m a little leery of that. My doc told me to wait 8 weeks to submit my first sample. But after reading this site, I’m going with the 20 ejaculations route in a month or so. Told my wife of my plans, and she told me I’d have a lot of fun in the shower!
All in all, not a bad experience for me. As long as I can get this pain to go away completely, which I think it will, things will be fine. If your biggest fear is the pain, don’t let that stop you, it’s really not all that bad. Plus, it’s nice to be waited on for a whole weekend by the wife and kids.
Submitted by Matt (Texas)
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