These pictures show the progress of normal bruising and healing after a vasectomy. The procedure went as planned and the patient didn’t experience any complications.
The timespan begins on day 2 after the vasectomy and ends 7 weeks after vasectomy.
Contributor’s comments
The procedure went without serious trouble. The doctor said I had “slippery” tubes and it was a little difficult grabbing hold of them to do the snip so the procedure took about 45 mins instead of the 20 minutes that I was originally told it would take. I forget the number of pain med injections that were given, but I felt no pain during the procedure but could feel “tugging” and could tell that the procedure was taking place. After the pain med wore off there was some residual pain similar to having got knocked in the nuts. Nothing to bring tears to one’s eyes at all.
Throughout this entire time, actual pain from the procedure was minimal for me. The most painful part was the activity. Bending down, squatting etc were the most uncomfortable. Any activity that causes the testicles to knock together was uncomfortable. Also, I was told that there might be some pain when ejaculating after the Vasectomy because the body is unsure of what to do with the sperm because it isn’t exiting as it was used to, but I noticed nothing different from pre and post-vasectomy ejaculations. Nothing seemed any different. Was instructed to have no ejaculations for a minimum of five days after the Vasectomy. Once sex was resumed, the only thing to be careful of was the testicle motion. Too vigorous of the testicles slapping was slightly painful as described earlier with testicles getting knocked together.
Day 2
The following two pictures were taken on day 2. Note that the bruising is more noticeable on the right side at this stage.

Day 3
The next three pictures were taken on day 3. Minor bruising and swelling are present.

Day 5
These pictures show the bruising pattern. The swelling is also noticeable to the left and right of the penis where the bruising is visible.

Day 6
The incisions are healing. Bruising slightly more pronounced than the previous days picture.

Day 8
Swelling and bruising continued throughout the first week, and at eight days swelling is most noticeable.

Day 14
This is taken on day 14, and after 2 weeks the bruising and swelling are gone. Incision area is still noticeable.

Week 3
After 3 weeks, the incision area is healing well and is less noticeable.

Week 4
No bruising and the incision is less visible from the previous week.

Week 7
The incision is barely noticeable.

Many thanks to our contributor for submitting these pictures and allowing us to use them.