This picture was taken three days after the procedure, and submitted with the following question.
Contributor’s question
I found your site while trying to find out if my incision was healing normally. I did not see any pictures like mine so I have attached one you may add to your page (a great idea, thanks for starting and maintaining it!). I’m pretty sure this is considered “normal” healing because the incision was swollen like this since I first peeked under the bandage. I have had minimal scrotal swelling (says my fiancé – I honestly don’t notice it) and no bruising. It’s just the incision that didn’t seem to match up with any photos I’ve seen here. Would you classify this as normal? Is this maybe just another method of stitching my doctor preferred (like the different methods of healing a newborn’s belly button)?

Dr. Edward Karpman’s reply
The midline incision for performing vasectomy is one approach to this surgery. A small amount of swelling can develop at the incision and beneath the suture used to close the incision. The incision does demonstrate a small area of the scrotum that is congested under the suture line. This post-operative picture represents appropriate swelling and bruising after a vasectomy.
Many thanks to our contributor for submitting these pictures and allowing us to use them.