They show a typical recovery process for a vasectomy with one twist: the submitter only has one testicle due to a previous childhood condition.
Contributor’s comments
Your website helped aid in research for my surgery, so I am sending in my pictures in the hope they will help someone else. The difference I can offer is that I only have one testicle. Due to testicle torsion, I lost a testicle at age 16. The vasectomy surgery and recovery were much less painful and intensive than the surgery I had as a teenager (as I figured it would be).
Unsure if my previous surgery has had a bearing on my recovery, but I’ve had very little swelling, but a lot of tenderness for the first few days. The surgery was no-scalpel vasectomy and appears to have left a very clean looking scar that will blend in and fade soon.
16 hours after vasectomy
The surgery was on August 7th at 2 pm. The pictures were taken 16 hours afterward. I’m taking 2 Vicodin per hour and icing constantly, little discomfort, stayed in bed with wife assisting, and only getting up to use the bathroom. Discomfort while urinating. Was expecting more sharp pain, but it’s dull pain.

Day 2 and 3 after vasectomy
Stayed in bed for 48 hours except for urinating. Still icing constantly. Tried not icing, and definitely could tell the difference. Still a dull pain and down to one pill every 6 hours.
On day 3, I stopped taking pain pills and could tell a noticeable difference. Took one pill and could feel when the pain pill hit. Was definitely not 100% and stayed in bed another day, but got up to cook my food. The wife had to work, so the baby was dropped off at a babysitter’s for the day.

5 days after vasectomy
Feeling more myself. Was picking up baby (22 pounds) and feeling ok on one pain pill taken in the morning.

8 days after vasectomy
Day 7 and I am feeling pretty good. I cannot go without underwear yet though, as it is painful when I walk and I have not been on pain medications since day 5. It still hurts when I bounce or jostle it, so still wearing underwear. Would say I am feeling about 99% on Day 8 when this photo was taken.

3 weeks after vasectomy
I am attaching the final photos I took at approximately 3 weeks. It’s been almost a month and a half and I almost 100%. I am still jumpy and feel if my wife accidently hits me in the wrong place it hurts. However it is not constantly on my mind any longer.

Many thanks to our contributor for submitting these pictures and allowing us to use them.
I’ve got to say it looks like you have a nice set of balls. I had my right testicle removed due to cancer.