I had been a silent observer of this forum for a while now. I joined this forum a while ago when I decided to say bye to condoms and go for a vasectomy. I was a bit nervous to start with and had some queries about the whole thing and I should say the support I got from this site was wonderful. Thanks to all of you who shared your views.
I am from the UK and hence I decided to go through the good old NHS to get the procedure done though I had to wait for nearly a year for the day. That is the way it is here. One year for a vasectomy is not too bad when you compare the waiting time for some other more important and life-saving surgeries here. Otherwise, I would have to pay £350 to get it done privately, and if I developed any complications I would have had to go to an NHS hospital anyway.
Recently I had been reading lots of postings about post-vasectomy pain swelling etc., and I thought I should share my experience in the forum if that could be of any help to anyone who might be planning on a vasectomy. I had my first assessment in December ’05 and the surgeon was a guy who probably is in his late 50s or early 60s. It was a bit embarrassing to be stripped naked to be examined. He told me that I have to relax some more on the day of the surgery as he found the left side to be very tight. The day was fixed for the 4th of February ’06 which was a Saturday. I was not asked to take any Diazepam the previous day. I was asked to shave down below clean and have a shower before I reported for the procedure. I drove up to the place with my wife. I went in alone. Was given a gown and was told that I have to remove the jeans and jockey but could wear the T-shirt. But, once in the theatre, the doctor asked me to take off the T-shirt also and it was really embarrassing lying fully nude on the table in front of two female nurses. Wish the nurses were guys. But can’t have everything your way, can you?
The whole procedure went well. It was done under local anesthesia. Felt a slight pull on the left side while he was clamping and cutting the cord. It was all over in about 25 minutes. I was asked to lie on a couch for another 30 minutes and was given a cup of coffee. After that, I was told that I could leave if I felt okay. Came down to where my wife was waiting and I could comfortably drive the car home. I had taken the following Monday and Tuesday off from work just in case. Took rest most of those days. Joined back for work on Wednesday and it is all going smoothly so far.
I have to produce a sample of semen for analysis after 20 – 24 ejaculations and I hope to do it by the end of this month. And a second sample 2 weeks later. If it is all clear then I can say bye to condoms for ever. I am eagerly waiting for that day.
So, it is all well for me so far. It does not mean that it is going to this smooth for everyone but at least for most of us it should be. So guys, things are not so bad as it is projected by many others. So if you make up your mind then you should go ahead. All the best for any one who wants to have a vasectomy done. It is much easier for us guys to have it done than for a female to undergo tubectomy.
Submitted by Prakash
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