I am 49 years old and been married for 25 years. My no-scalpel open-ended Vasectomy went well.
Friday at 10:45 I was taken to the office by Pam after taking 2mg of Xanax (The good stuff). Dr. DeShazo is incredibly sensitive to a guy’s modesty. He asked the nurse to step out of the room while he did all of the preparations, taping the penis to my stomach out of the way, swabbing with warm betadine solution and draping me. Followed by “I’m sorry, but the tape has to come off afterward”.
After the first injection, there was no further discomfort. By 12:30 at home in my Lazyboy with ice packs (note: ice packs on top of frozen peas work like a charm, be sure to buy about 6 kg). I took 50mg of Demerol to make sure there would be no discomfort after the local anesthetic wore off. I slept that night in the easy chair to be comfortable. On the weekend, I had a little discomfort (a dull ache) relieved by a Tylenol/Aleve cocktail. Today, (Monday) I’ve had very little discomfort, despite going out and about.
The anxiety I was feeling has been replaced by euphoria (quite an aphrodisiac). It’s done, I feel great, and the best is yet to come 🙂 although I must admit I’ve already cheated and checked out the equipment to be sure it was still functioning.
This is the most incredible gift a man can give his wife – the gift of not worrying about getting pregnant.
December 10, 2000 all clear
I have one comment about using a family physician versus a specialist. As long as the family physician is known and trusted, rather than one picked at random, the experience can be amazingly comfortable. My family physician has a group practice, with 4 other doctors. Two of the doctors do vasectomies. They both keep up with the latest procedures and techniques, just as a specialist should (not the case with several of the specialists in my area), but they are concerned with the patient as a whole, not just a specific part of the body.
Several people that I spoke with said that their specialist was impersonal, resented spending time answering questions, thought that pre-medication was unnecessary and in general, had a very insensitive manner. My family physician, on the other hand, was VERY sensitive to my feelings of anxiety and embarrassment.
- He gave me 2 mg of Xanax to take before the procedure.
- He did the draping himself after asking the nurse to step out.
- He used a warm Betadine solution to relax the scrotum and prevent having to pull and tug.
- He helped me into the jockstrap with the nurse again outside the room.
Having a family doctor who will continue to have a relationship with the patient made an enormous difference in the way I was treated.
Thanks again for the time and effort you put in to make this such a great website. I think it is one of the best available. Despite there being so many out there, only you and the beavercleaver.net site had information that was helpful to me personally.
Submitted by Redgie
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