I have been reading the posts and lately, they have been pretty negative. I had my NSV appointment on Monday at 2:45 12/11/00. I talked with the Dr. and recommended that he suggest this site for people that were considering this procedure, he told me that (internet sites that start out to help people with questions, end up sounding like a book of horror stories.) Well, that is the way that this site seems to be going, so I will put in my postive experience.
The appointment was for 2:45, started drinking shots (3) at 12:30 I was a nervous wreck (I did call the nurse and ask if I could have A cocktail, she said that was fine as long as someone drove me) Arrived at 2:15 (feeling pretty good) Taken to the room at 4:00 (not feeling very good, shots wore off), chewed nurse out for making me wait, Dr. was very busy and was saving the best for last (Me). Thought about chewing out the doc, but I realized that would not be a good idea, especially since he was working “down there”.
4:05, Dr. entered the room, found the vas, pulled on it, and said (this is what the surgery will feel like) not too bad. Then out of nowhere came a needle. That was the worst part, but not unbearable. The surgery was EASY, great conversation with the Doc.
4:50, in the car looking for the quickest way to get home so that I could get a beer and some pampering. That night was pretty rough but tolerable. The next day was the same as the night before. The second day was a lot better thanks to a lot of Advil. The third day, well, was a lot better. I was able to “test out the equipment”. All was perfect almost like it felt better than normal. I was a little nervous that “IT” wouldn’t work or that I would be injuring myself, well I was wrong, I still had to “pull out” but I seemed to “squirm” more than normal. Doc said that I had to wait 4 months to make sure that “they” don’t re-attach.
Today, feeling pretty good, a little tired (thanks to last night) slightly sore but feeling that I made the right choice for myself and my wonderful marriage of 7 years. I would recommend this to anyone that is “serious” about birth control and making sex with your “wife” less stressful.
One other note, Thank you for this website!
Submitted by Richard
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