I got snipped on March 23rd, 2000 (Ten days ago). I thought I would share my personal experience to other guys out there who are considering it.
Why I did it
I planned on having 2 kids, I now have 3. I was using condoms successfully for my entire 10-year marriage. One day I bought a cheaper new brand of condom instead of the usual. Next week my wife said that she thinks she is pregnant. We confirmed this with a home pregnancy test and both sat there wondering how this could have happened since I was using a condom properly. My primary reason for having a vasectomy was because I lost all faith in using condoms as a secure form of birth control and I wanted to make sure that I did not have a fourth child. Also, I was looking forward to not having the interruption of looking for and putting on a condom. There is nothing worse than thinking that you had one condom left on your night table and interrupting foreplay to look in the drawer only to find that you don’t have any more… what a bummer that can be.
How the procedure went
I was dreading the possibility of two painful needles directly into the testicles and all of the pain that was supposed to follow. I am happy to report that the whole thing was a breeze. First of all, I had about 5-6 needles and none of them were directly in the balls as I had imagined. I barely felt any of the needles and I kept thinking of how these needles were easier than the needles from the dentist. While the doctor was giving me the needles about 5 mins into the procedure he looked at me and said “How are you doing?” I said “Fine” then he said “Good. I am almost done one side”. I could not believe that one side was almost done and there was no pain. I could feel some tugging and prodding and some liquid flowing down my sac but nothing was hurting. 10 mins later everything was done and he told me to take it easy, no lifting, etc. I got an RX for Tylenol 3 and some antibiotics. I drove from the hospital to pick up the prescriptions and an ice pack.
When the freezing wore off 2.5 hours later I felt like someone had either squeezed my balls too hard then let go or that I was kicked lightly in the balls. Once I used TY#3 I could not feel anything. As it wore off the feeling would return and sometimes I could feel a little soreness on each side of the sac but I would not call it pain. I had some minor swelling to about the size of a prune right at the bottom of the sack, but it did not hurt. It went away each time I applied ice for 15mins. The slight soreness was on and off between TY#3’s.
The next day I could have gone back to work if I knew I would be feeling this good. The soreness was lessening and I was taking the TY#3’s every 8 hours instead of 4. My biggest problem at this point was that the Antibiotics were making me a little nauseous and the TY#3 was killing my appetite. I returned to work (manual labor, assembly line, Auto Plant) on Monday and the procedure was done on the previous Thursday. I might add that all this time since I came home I was wearing tight briefs and that helps to stop the balls from dangling around and causing dangle discomfort. At the end of my eight-hour shift, I could tell that I was a little swollen so when I got home I would pop 1 or 2 TY#3’s and apply ice for 15mins and I was good to go. I did this till Wednesday. Each day since I have been feeling better and better. Right now I feel great 98% of the discomfort is gone and I am waiting for the stitches to dissolve. Had sex for the first time since the procedure on Friday night and all works great no change in the color or quantity of the load.
So if you are considering having the procedure done, go for it, it’s not as bad as it seems. Good luck!
P.S. After the procedure I found this handy website here – it’s very informative.
Submitted by Rodney
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