A day and a half post-NSV and all well. Going into it, I was exceedingly nervous. Probably the worst part for me was exposing myself to the nurse for her to clean the area and tape my penis to my belly. I’m very (probably too) modest. Don’t even like to take my shirt off in public! Never quite got comfortable with it, but worrying about it may have made the rest of the procedure bearable! Prior to the procedure, the doc told me he was going to do the NSV method and that usually he uses just one incision. I asked what dictated that. He told me anatomy was the driver. If there was no scrotum (pulled way up, I assume) or particularly high riding testicles. He said, that since I was thin, he didn’t think that would be a problem. I know my anatomy and I wasn’t so sure.
Anyway, we got started after I had to wait for the doctor for about 15 minutes… after being cleaned and taped. I laid there exposed for 15 minutes. The doctor and nurse came back in and the doctor immediately asked how I was doing since I was chewing my gum a mile a minute. He tried to engage me in small talk but I was too focused on keeping myself from going crazy with anxiety. He started by numbing the sac. He let me know at each step what he was doing. He started on the right side and halfway through he let me look at the exposed vas. Like everyone says…a thin strand of cooked spaghetti. When he finished the right side, he tucked it back into the sac. He numbs up the left side and started extracting that tube.
Here is where he started to have some difficulty… as I knew he would. My testicles tend to ride high and the left higher than the right. I could start to feel this a bit more than the right side. Nothing painful though. He did shoot me up with more medication. I think that was more painful. It took him twice as long on the left side. All in all… about 20 minutes.
Afterward, I got dressed (with the obligatory jock strap) and walked out to the waiting room to my wife. We picked up some antibiotics and pain medicine on the way home. At home, I took two pain pills and iced up immediately. Used the ice one hour on, one hour off until bedtime. Never once did I swell up, and only a very small bruise about the size of a dime. The pain, or rather discomfort pretty much matches what I would feel when crossing my legs and things are not quite positioned well or when one of my kids unexpectedly jumps into my lap. As I write this, my left side has a bit of a dull ache. I suspect that has to do with the fact that the doctor had to work extra hard on that side.
If I had to guess, I’d say the dull ache will disappear within a week. I just have to be extra careful not too over exert myself. No rough housing with the kids or picking up the little one.
All in all… not bad. The worrying was much worse than the actual event. Again… the worst part for me was the nurse working on me… and that is due to my own idiosyncrasies.
Submitted by Ron
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