SpermCheck Vasectomy is a do-it-yourself home sperm testing kit. It comes with two tests and offers men the option to check their post-vasectomy sperm count in the privacy of their home. Designed primarily for men who have not attended and do not plan to attend a follow-up visit to their doctor/clinic for a sperm analysis.
Why is the post-vasectomy sperm count necessary?
Post-vasectomy semen analysis is the only way to verify that the procedure has been a success, and there’s no more sperm in the ejaculate. However, it’s reported that up to 42% of men never attend the follow-up visit for sperm analysis.1 There are many potential reasons for that; men may feel the process is inconvenient, embarrassing, or they might be convinced they are sperm-free already.
While it’s true that the odds for vasectomy failure are low, live sperm can still stay in your system for several months. The most common reason for unintended pregnancy after a vasectomy is men having unprotected sex toon soon after the procedure without confirming they are sterile.
Suggested reading
How reliable is SpermCheck Vasectomy?
At the time of publication, SpermCheck Vasectomy is the only FDA approved product for carrying out a test for sperm count at home. A clinical study determined the home test was 96% accurate in indicating whether sperm counts were above or below the 250,000 sperm per ml threshold, and 100% accurate when sperm concentration was over 385,000 per ml.2
Also, a good indication that the test is reasonably accurate is that some clinics and urologists offer SpermCheck Vasectomy as an alternative to the traditional post-op sperm count to their patients.345
Why should you use SpermCheck Vasectomy?
In addition to allowing men who have decided against going to the clinic for a post-op semen analysis to check their post-op sperm count conveniently from home, SpermCheck Vasectomy can benefit men who:
- Want to avoid going for sperm analysis more than once. Getting a low sperm level test result with SpermCheck Vasectomy prior to the follow-up visit indicates that you have high odds to be granted the official clearance by your doctor. Similarly if you get a high sperm level result you might want to postpone the appointment to avoid making an additional visit.
- Would like to confirm they are sterile sooner. Sometimes the post-vasectomy semen analysis is scheduled 4-6 months after the surgery. Research suggests most men can be cleared much sooner than that.6 By taking the home sperm test and getting 2 consecutive low sperm results you could make a case to your doctor to reschedule the sperm analysis to an earlier date.
- Want to verify that recanalization has not occurred. Some men worry that their vasectomy might have failed a year or more after the surgery. The home test is a quick and easy way to check if your sperm count is below the 250,000 per ml threshold.
While SpermCheck Vasectomy can be helpful for many men, it’s important to note that home sperm tests can’t analyze sperm motility or offer the same guarantee as a sperm examination conducted under a microscope by a medical professional.
View SpermCheck Vasectomy on Amazon.com
What do you get with the SpermCheck Vasectomy kit?
SpermCheck Vasectomy comes with a detailed instruction pamphlet and everything you need to perform two sperm count tests, which include a pair of: SpermCheck devices, semen transfer devices, SpermCheck solution bottles and semen collection cups.

How to perform the home sperm count test?
The instruction pamphlet, which is also available online, includes an easy-to-follow step by step guide with pictures. As the test is time-critical, you should have a watch or a timer ready before performing the test.
- Collect the semen sample.
- Let the semen stand for 20 minutes.
- Place Solution Bottle into the Solution Bottle stand.
- Fill Semen Transfer Device to the bottom of line.
- Add semen from the Semen Transfer Device to the Solution Bottle.
- Mix the solution by inverting the bottle several times.
- Wait 2 minutes.
- Add 5 drops into the oval sample well (S) on the SpermCheck Device.
- Wait 7 minutes.
- Read the results.
Please note that this is a quick overview of how to perform the test. It’s important you fully read and understand the instructions that came with your kit before performing the test yourself.
How to read the test results?
As the test is time-critical you should read the result exactly 7 minutes after adding the semen mixture to the sample well (S). Reading the test too soon or too late may cause an incorrect result.

High sperm level test result
If you see both, a control line (C) and a test line (T) your sperm count is still above safe levels and there is still a risk pregnancy with unprotected intercourse. It’s suggested you wait at least two weeks before testing again with a new device.

Low sperm level test result
If you see a control line (C) but not a test line (T) your sperm count is extremely low, at, or below a level where the risk of pregnancy is very small.
If you do not see a control line (C) the test cannot be interpreted and you should test again with another SpermCheck Vasectomy device.
While it’s best to have laboratory sperm count tests performed in accordance with the doctor’s post-vasectomy instructions, the reality is that many men never return for a sperm analysis after their procedure. SpermCheck Vasectomy is a reasonable alternative for men to check post-op sperm count from home.
View SpermCheck Vasectomy on Amazon.comReferences and further reading
Vasectomy-Information.com has a strict sourcing policy. We rely on evidence-based medicine, peer-reviewed studies, reputable clinical journals, and medical associations. Learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and up-to-date by reading our editorial policy.- Christensen RE, Maples DC. Postvasectomy Semen Analysis: Are Men Following Up? The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. Published online January 1, 2005:44-47. doi:10.3122/jabfm.18.1.44
- Klotz K, Coppola M, Labrecque M, et al. Clinical and consumer trial performance of a sensitive immunodiagnostic home test that qualitatively detects low concentrations of sperm following vasectomy. J Urol. 2008;180(6):2569-2576. doi:10.1016/j.juro.2008.08.045
- Vasectomy. Urology Associates of Norwalk. https://www.norwalkurology.com/services/vasectomy
- Sperm Check Results. Austin Urology Institute. https://austinurologyinstitute.com/sperm-check-results/
- SpermCheck Vasectomy home testing kit. Snip Vasectomy Clinic. https://snip.co.nz/spermcheck
- Wiley-Blackwell. 96 percent of vasectomy patients cleared without need for multiple semen samples. ScienceDaily. Published June 8, 2010. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/06/100608101021.htm
- Vasectomy. SpermCheck. https://spermcheck.com/vasectomy/
- Instructions For Use. SpermCheck Vasectomy. https://spermcheck.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/P-5192-E-SC-Vasectomy-Insert.pdf
Thanks for an interesting article!