The consultation was basically the doctor telling me what I had already heard from friends and read on the web.
The procedure was even easier than what I had been brought to expect. The shots were very light, regardless of how you might think they would feel down there. My Dr. used one incision technique. A small half-inch horizontal slice about an inch or so from the base of my one-eyed guy. In he went, one side and then the other. Although I really wasn’t nervous about it at all, I did get a little lightheaded. We took a couple of minutes off, and the nurse gave me a cold washcloth on the forehead.
Word of advice #1: If you feel queasy, say so. Relax, and get the cold washcloth. It felt great!
From there he did the other side, sewed me up, showed me the pieces he had deleted (like ditalini) and I waddled out. I went home and spent the day on the couch alternating bags of frozen peas and cut corn. I found the peas to be best for conforming to the area.
Word of advice #2: I wore a pair of boxer briefs over my jockstrap. This helped hold the peas in place quite nicely!
I got up and out a little the next day, but I think I probably would have been better off to rest one more day. I had some medium “man type” pain after. It was a lower abdomen type pain like someone was pulling my insides down by way of my testicles. It wasn’t that bad, but the thought had crossed my mind that I wouldn’t want to have this for the rest of my life. I didn’t want to be that 1 in 1000 who suffers chronic pain.
It has been about 4 weeks since the procedure. I’m healed up and feel fine. I can say the first sex afterward was absolutely outstanding (and a big relief) even though I still had to wear protection.
I feel like I have joined some sort of club. I can honestly say the worst part has been having the hair grow back in. Seriously… this was truly a piece of cake. If you have been thinking about it, stop thinking, and start acting. Get a consultation and get on with it!
Submitted by Steve
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