Typically I am a very positive person. I am not very positive about my vasectomy story. My wife was pregnant with our third child. I was at work at my firehouse and was having a conversation with my chief and telling him that my wife had decided to get a tubal ligation after delivery. She … Continue reading
Here is my male surgical sterilization experience. I wanted to record something other than the generic, “I worried, it didn’t hurt, it turned black and blue, we tried it out and it still worked, my balls ache a bit, I am childfree, whee!” story. Repeating the mistake of Polonius, “Brevity is the soul of wit, … Continue reading
Your website is the first place where I have seen this subject explored. My husband was adamant about not having more children (we have three), and although I kind of wanted one more, I decided that my desire was unreasonable and that he was right. However, after years of IUDs, condoms, and other pesky forms … Continue reading
I had a vasectomy about 11 years ago after the birth of our fourth child. I saw this as my duty since my wife had delivered our children and took responsibility for contraception up until that time. The procedure was performed under a local anesthetic by a GP at a local medical center. That evening … Continue reading
Here is my consolidated and updated vasectomy story. I apologize that the story is somewhat longer than the usual submission to your site. This is because the story deals not only with vasectomy but also with post-vasectomy procedures including reversal, epididymectomy, and orchidopexy. I hope my story will be of some assistance to your readers. … Continue reading
In 2003, I saw my regular physician for something, I can’t remember. During the visit, I asked him about referring me to a vasectomy. He told me that I should think it over with my wife, and consider it absolutely permanent. I believe it was great advice. So, we did consider it for quite some … Continue reading
My wife and I have 4 children. When my wife was pregnant with our youngest child she brought up the idea of a vasectomy. We didn’t really discuss it, but I assumed it was what she wanted. When our son was 6 weeks old, I had the vasectomy done. I had gone to the consultation … Continue reading
I had a vasectomy 3 months ago and have had a difficult time dealing with what I went through and continue to experience. I decided to post my story in hopes that someone currently considering a vasectomy might benefit from my experience. Do your Homework! Sadly, I was very uninformed when I went in for … Continue reading
I suppose I am here to learn and share my experiences. I had a vasectomy done in January 1995. I was 35 at the time. We had one ten-year-old child who was/is extremely hyperactive and troublesome to us. We tried for several years for another baby, but after two painful and emotionally draining miscarriages, we … Continue reading
Here is my story so far… October 15, 2002 I am 37 years old and have two kids. I have a varicocele on my left side and was assured that would not affect the operation which would be straightforward. I had my vasectomy 12 days ago. Initially, after the operation, I felt okay because the … Continue reading
This is my sad tale of woe. However, the most sympathy I’ve ever received is, “Sucks to be you!” For many years growing up, I never gave much thought to the idea of parenthood. Even when discussing it with friends at an early age (e.g. 12, 13, 14) most of them said they wanted two … Continue reading
I am 56, my wife is 40. I have one daughter from my 1st marriage who is 28, and 2 children with my wife, ages 10 and 6. Neither one of us wants any more children. My wife has been on the pill since age 16. Her mother died of breast cancer when she was … Continue reading
Home Vasectomy Test Kit

SpermCheck Vasectomy is an FDA approved home sperm testing kit. It comes with two tests and is designed to allow men to check their post-vasectomy sperm count from the comfort of their own home.
- Convenient
- Private
- Results in minutes
View on Amazon Read our review We only recommend products we think are useful for our readers. If you make a purchase, we may earn a small commission.As I’m sure is the case with a lot of men, the idea of a vasectomy came from my wife, who got it from one of her friends… This subject would have never come up otherwise. It’s very difficult to say no to the person you love most in your life, so I started doing … Continue reading