I had the snip 26 years ago at the age of 35 while living in Dubai, U.A.E. After fathering three children in six years I decided that sex for me in the future was going to be of the recreational type only.
I approached an Egyptian Professor of surgery at the Kuwait Hospital in the city to enquire if the operation was available. He was a little perplexed as to the legality of doing a Vasectomy in Dubai, a Muslim state. It was explained to me that it was illegal to perform the operation in the U.A.E. I argued that it should not have been a problem provided I was Christian and jokingly told him I was not circumcised, so couldn’t be Jewish, or Muslim! He conferred with some of his colleagues and they came to the conclusion that as I was Christian and sported a foreskin (at that time anyway) there should not be a problem. The Professor that carried out the procedure knew that I was married with kids, but did not offer an opinion on whether I should have the operation or not.
The operation was scheduled for the following week, actually on my Birthday, which I thought would make a nice present to myself. It came as a bit of a shock when the Surgeon told me that as this operation was so unusual in Dubai, would I mind about 20 student doctors observing! The vasectomy was performed in an operating theatre, and they gathered around the operating table in a circle, and obviously got a close up view. The interest in seeing the Vasectomy done in Dubai was, I suppose that it might have been a once in a lifetime (in Dubai, anyway) experience for a lot of the students. The surgeon that carried out the operation was their teaching professor. Although it was slightly embarrassing, I had worked so hard to arrange the operation that there was no going back.
One thing I should mention is how thoughtful the surgeon was. He used steel clips to close the wounds, so as not to leave unsightly scars on my scrotum. The steel clips in themselves did not leave scars that you could recognize, but of course, I had two scar lines about 3/4 inch long which were visible up to about 8 years ago, and now only I can see them as I knew where they were. Nowadays you can’t tell I have ever been tampered with.
The rest is history. The vasectomy was a great success with no problems. I spent the next three months emptying myself, before returning to the hospital for the Semen test.
Regarding the Semen test. I only gave one sample. A nurse handed me a plastic container and indicated where the toilet was. No audience this time, but a little embarrassing to go in for a few minutes and then reappear with a white puddle in the container. She knew exactly what I had been doing… naughty boy! Semen tests were carried out each Thursday morning when I suppose the lab was geared up to do this. Other men giving samples would have been tested to check on their fertility regarding having children, not the other way round like me.
The doctors that delivered the good news to me were quite apologetic, saying that they were sorry to say that they could see no mobile sperm in my ejaculate! This again demonstrates the different attitudes to male sexuality between Arabs and Europeans.
My ejaculate is not as white and thick as it was in the earlier years but my wife still enjoys receiving my donations knowing that the worst that can happen is making a mess of the bed!
Regarding getting circumcised in Dubai, I did make inquiries with a couple of doctors, but they both said that they only perform on babies, so that turned out to be a nonstarter. I eventually was circumcised in London, after I returned from living in Dubai, and genitally pierced when I came here to Germany!
I can’t comment on whether any vasectomies were performed there after mine, and as to Arabs being snipped on the side, I seriously doubt it, I believe that it’s a male ego thing with them if you cant get her pregnant, you are no longer a man. Masturbation is forbidden under Islamic law, but certainly goes on all the time over there as access to a female if you are not married is very hard to come by.
Enjoy your Vasectomy!
Submitted by Tony
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