Well, I had it done about 5 hours ago. Here’s my story, from beginning to end.
I started researching having this done about 9 months ago. I finally saw a urologist about 2 months ago. He was nice enough, seemed to be knowledgeable, said all the right things… Except for one thing: when I asked him how many he’d done, he seemed a bit hesitant, and then just said “Lots”. I scheduled an appointment. But later, it began to bother me, and so I called the office manager and asked just how long this guy has been doing vasectomies. She told me “only since April”. So I asked if I could have a more experienced doctor do it. She told me to call the senior urologist of the group.
So I spoke with him, and he was very nonchalant about the whole thing as if I was silly to be concerned about such a simple operation. Said he’d done thousands of them with no problems. I didn’t care for his attitude, but worse, when I asked him what he thought about the open-ended technique, he had never even heard of it! This bothered me, so I just dropped the whole thing for a while…
Then I decided to look for another one, so I went online and found a list of doctors who do NSV and open-ended vasectomies. I found one Thomas Bzoskie, M.D. near where I live (not a urologist, but an M.D.), and gave him a call. He spent 15-20 minutes discussing it with me and said he could see me the next day for me to sign the waiver and then we could schedule an appointment.
So I went in and again he spent 20 minutes or so going over the whole thing with me, making sure I understood the whole thing and really wanted it, etc… I signed the form and left after scheduling an appointment for about 10 days later.
But on the 7th day, I began to feel some very minor discomfort in my nuts. I thought it was probably just hypochondria/nerves, but I went in for a check, anyway. He examined me and said he couldn’t see anything wrong with me, but emphasized that there was no way of knowing for sure what the problem is, or if a vasectomy would make it worse… But he did say that benign prostate enlargement (which I have) could be the cause of some slight pain, as an old injury might also cause some pain… He said he himself has pain there occasionally from an old injury. But he told me I could cancel my appointment at any time, have some tests done, or whatever I wanted to do… No pressure for me to do it.
The vasectomy
I decided to go through with it. So this morning I had a friend drive me. Took 1 and 1/2 valiums, and a Tylenol-4 (with codeine) and arrived about 20 minutes later. Sat in the waiting room for 15 minutes or so, and Doctor Bzoskie came out and talked with me about the option of open-ended vs. closed-ended. He said he’d done many open-ended vasectomies and had never had a failure. So I went with the open-ended.
A couple of minutes later I went in and got undressed and laid on the table. He let me wear my Walkman so I could listen to the Beatles while he was operating. This helped me a great deal (along with the valium and Tylenol-4). I recommend this if you like music if your doctor will allow it.
After they prepped my balls (no shaving was done, just antibacterial cleaning) he and his nurse began the operation. I felt a slight pain from the injection, but less than most dental shots. He told me he took special care in giving the shots, giving them very slowly as to not cause any more pain than necessary. Very painless shot, considering…
Soon I was numb there and he began doing whatever he did. I didn’t want to watch. I listened to my tape and they said I may have fallen asleep at one point, though I don’t recall being asleep. But there was no pain, and I was very relaxed.
About 15 minutes into it, I asked “Did you snip it yet?” He said yes, and I went back to my music, looking down only a couple of times to see him with equipment in his hands, the cauterizer was one I noticed, but I just laid back and listened to The Beatles.
In no time, it was done, I never felt any real pain, and he handed me a mirror and showed me the incision, about 1/16th of an inch. No stitches – he just put on some salve and a bandage. He said I could shower as normal tomorrow morning and subsequent days.
As for sex, he said it’s best to wait one week before even masturbating, as ejaculation could cause problems with it healing properly – shaking things up a bit, I guess… Been a long time since I haven’t had sex in a whole week!
My friend drove me to the drugstore, then I came home and used some ice, and surfed the net. So far very little pain – it just hurts a little when I get up or bend over.
I highly recommend Dr. Thomas Bzoskie, M.D. in Santa Monica to anyone who wants an NSV. He does both closed-ended and open-ended, and is a super nice guy and a great surgeon! He teaches vasectomies at UCLA.
I’m so relieved to have it done with! Now I only hope:
- It works – i.e. no sperm after 20 ejaculations or so.
- The post-surgery pain isn’t too bad.
- There’s no infection/complications.
2nd day
No pain whatsoever. In fact, I kept having to remind myself not to do too much. I went grocery shopping and did some laundry.
3rd day
I woke up feeling a little uncomfortable in my lower abdomen, kind of like I’d been hit in the balls. I assume this is normal. Hope it doesn’t get worse, though… I know I’ve read on here that some guys get this, but I thought you usually got it right after… Anyway, it isn’t bad.
February 1
I have had zero pain, only some mild discomfort – kind of like a very mild version of getting hit in the nuts – on the 3rd day, for a few hours, and now again on the 6th and 7th days. Now it’s a bit more of a discomfort than it was, but I still wouldn’t classify it as “pain”. No pain reliever needed, it’s just a bit uncomfortable at times. Other times I don’t notice it at all.
My doctor said this was generally my body saying I’m doing too much. But I really haven’t been doing anything other than sitting and walking only enough to buy groceries, etc… So I think I’m going to tell him and see what he says. Basically, though, he already told me that I could expect some discomfort over the first 30-90 days as everything completely heals and adjusts.
I read here that it’s not uncommon to even have one’s nuts turn black and blue a week or so into it, so I guess a bit of discomfort in the groin is not bad at all.
I’ve not felt the need to take a pain pill at any time since the operation, went back to work on the 3rd day, and am about ready to start having sex again. The only reason I haven’t is because my doctor recommends waiting a week, and I figure a few extra days “for good measure” won’t kill me…
My puncture wound from the NSV is almost completely healed; you almost can’t see it now, certainly not unless you are looking for it.
Think I should still wear the jockstrap or jockeys for support during this period? I’m almost wondering if at times keeping my nuts firm against my body isn’t a detriment? But I don’t know, I don’t want them to get knocked around right now, either!
After waiting 9 days – my doctor recommended 7, but I wanted to wait for a little extra – I broke down and had to have my way with myself last night. (My fiancee is out of town.) It was fine, and I was relieved to know everything still works well! I was feeling a little discomfort in my lower abdomen the past couple of days, and I felt that while I was doing my business, as well.
The interesting thing is that I feel less of that pressure/discomfort in my lower abdomen now. I had an open-ended vas., so I don’t know what was going on, all I know is that now I feel better! Maybe it was just a mild case of blue-balls or something like that! I still do feel some discomfort in my lower abdomen, but it’s much less now.
I’m seeing my fiancee on Sunday, and we’ll use condoms of course, but I’m going to at least try to get some more of the Evil Mr. Sperm, still lurking in my tubes, out of there! Just to be maybe a little safer. It’s a dirty job, but someone’s got to do it!
February 26
I had my sperm checked for the first time today. I had had 25 – I counted them – since my vasectomy about a month ago, and so I took in a fresh sample this morning (I live about 12 minutes from the doctor’s office, and he arranged for me to see him as soon as I arrived.) He took a small sample and put it on the microscope and said, “I can’t find anything at all in here!” Then he got the little container I brought in and put a much bigger sample on the microscope. Looked very thoroughly for a few minutes, and kept saying, “Jeez, I can’ find anything at all in here!”
He said I didn’t have to come back for a 2nd check, but I said I’d like to, next week, right before my wedding/honeymoon. He said, no problem, it only takes a few minutes. So I am very happy to be sperm free, and in time for the honeymoon! (My fiancee of course is fully aware of my vasectomy.)
March 28
Just wanted to say that before my vasectomy, I was having some issues both with maintaining erections and with desire. I even got a script for viagra, which has its benefits, but also side effects like headaches and a stuffy nose… But now that I’m shooting blanks, my sex life has improved 100% due to not having to use condoms anymore. What I realize now is that my sex drive was lessening, due to age (I’m 48) and low testosterone (I’ve been on testosterone therapy for a while.), but what was REALLY interfering was the use of condoms! My last girlfriend had had a hysterectomy and so I didn’t have to use condoms, and my previous girlfriend used pills, so my new wife was the first woman I’d been with who I had to use condoms, for many years. As it turned out, this coincided with my reaching a time in life where my sex drive was also suffering.
But now that I’m going bareback, my sex drive and my erections are better! It just feels so much better! I realize that guys may not want to get a vasectomy just to improve their sex life, but just wanted to tell those that are considering a vasectomy, and who may be currently using condoms: Going bareback is a big improvement!
March 19, 2002
Hi everyone, I see the group is still up and running, and the nay-sayers are still present, maybe even more so than a year ago… Well, I just wanted to give everyone my report from beyond the operation.
I had some questions: How long should I wait before doing normal exercises? I decided to wait, after hearing stories about guys with problems after their vasectomies. It seemed that many of the guys who did have some minor problems – and some major ones as well – had pushed themselves too much and/or too quickly after their vasectomy. I said to myself, “Which is better, to go a week or so more without exercising, or to push myself and risk having a problem?” I waited one full week before doing anything, and it’s been a year and I have not had one problem.
I did experience just a little bit of swelling a few days later, probably because I lifted something a little heavy, forgetting my condition for a minute. But that went away after a couple of days or so.
I was ready and anxious to have sex with my fiancee about 5 days after the operation. But she encouraged me to wait for the full 7 that was recommended (as I recall, it was 7; I could be off, here). But anyway, I decided to wait until I was fully healed before doing anything that might carry any risk of complications. So I waited around a week before exercising or having sex. And even then I was very careful, for about the first 2-3 weeks.
For about the first 2 months I occasionally experienced a very mild discomfort above my pubic area on the upper left. I assumed it had something to do with the tubes that were cut and tugged, and I just ignored it. Even if it had lasted, it was nothing I couldn’t put up with if necessary; very mild, almost imperceptible.
I did notice during this whole thing, especially the weeks leading UP TO the operation, I became ultra-sensitive to every little tweak or feeling I noticed in my pubic area. To the point where I had what I would call a mild panic attack and went to the doctor and said, “Doc, I occasionally feel these little twinges of pain in my nuts and I want to make sure I’m okay because I understand that if I have any problems down there, this could make them worse.” He basically recognized that I was probably just having a case of nerves, but politely felt around down there and said as far as he could tell I was fine. He did say that there was really no way to know for SURE and that if I wanted to back out, that was a decision only I could make. But he felt that I was fine. I thought about it and went through with it.
So after a couple of months, even the very mild twinges of discomfort went away, and today, a year later, I feel nothing but joy that I had it done! It enables me to have all the sex I want (like 2-3 times a day sometimes) with my wife, without any worry about having a baby which I do not want, have never wanted, will never want! No rubber taking away the sensation, and no hassle having to pull out immediately after, and no worry when it’s almost her time of the month, that maybe some sperm slipped out “that one day” when I pulled out a little late and the condom started to slip.
So for those of you considering a vasectomy, I say:
- Make sure you really DO NOT want to have children, ever.
- Choose a doctor with who you feel comfortable.
- Choose a doctor who does at least 5-10 a month, or at least who has done hundreds of them in the past…
- Get the open-ended version if possible. I am convinced it is going to have less chance of complications. My doc says he’s done hundreds over the years and has never had a problem with one and never had an unwanted pregnancy from one.
- Relax! It really isn’t very painful at all!
- Wear a jockstrap for the few days after the operation, and use a bag of frozen peas on the nuts the first day after.
- DO NOT do ANY exercise or lifting or sex for a week or two after the operation. Take it easy. A few weeks of taking it easy, now, may prevent months of pain in the future from complications arising from your not healing properly…
- Enjoy the wonderful freedom of being able to have sex any time anywhere without any hassle of putting on or taking off rubbers, or – worse – depending on the woman to remember to take her pills or put in her diaphragm correctly!
- Enjoy the tranquility of being free from a future of squawling infants keeping you awake at night, driving you nuts all day; changing diapers, etc.; the financial responsibility of a child; not being able to enjoy being alone with just your wife; your wife and you have to devote almost every waking moment to the kids…
Enjoy being childless or done with having children!
Good luck to all, and I hope if you get a vasectomy yours is as painless and successful as mine! Thanks to all for your info and support!
Submitted by Travis
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