I had my vasectomy last night at 6:30 pm. I know at least 5 other guys who had the procedure. All of whom said it was a painless no big thing. I of course was nervous all day, 6:30 in the evening was a long wait.
So, there were the 5 of us my two kids 7 and 4, my girlfriend, and her 5-year-old daughter. The ride felt like a march to death row, the traffic a mess. Along the way, I asked my girl if we were doing the right thing, I won’t be angry to turn back. After listening to the 3 kids in the back seat, we knew right then that 3 was enough for us, plus there is no room back there for 4 kids.
I got to the doctor exactly 6:30, with the doctor waiting at the doorway anxiously for me and my scrotum. Also waiting was his young female assistant, hey, who needs pride now?
I quickly undressed, put on my paper gown, and we got going. The doc couldn’t be nicer or polite, plus I didn’t sit in the waiting room getting more and more scared, that was good. I will admit, when I entered the room and saw all the equipment that would be used, I almost left. I figured I’m here, might as well get this over with.
With my girl and the kids searching for a pharmacy, I needed an athletic supporter as I left mine on the kitchen table, the procedure began. The pain injection was no big deal, I’ve felt worse. The initial incision was made, I felt nothing at all. As he began though, things got worse. I felt pain, pressure, and a general ill feeling. On a few occasions, I might have screamed out profanity or two. Remember, I anticipated no pain. I sometimes felt I would jump off the table as the sweat dripped down my face and head. After 6 or 7 minutes one side was complete, stitched and all. I will admit the other side hurt a little less, but it did hurt. A couple of more profanities were indeed in order.
Soon the doc was done, we just needed to wait for my girl and kids to bring the supporter, I needed that to go home. Soon they appeared, I was assisted in getting dressed. I made my apologies to both the doc and his young female assistant and apologized for being a big baby. Little do they know, I am usually good with pain.
I was so happy to see my girl and kids, the sympathy was comforting, I even got a get well card. I was hungry so we went off for some Chinese food and pain medication just in case. I was still quite in awe at how much that hurt.
To home, we went, hung out with the kids. I was waiting for the pain to set in, it never did though. This morning went just as well, no pain, no medication, nothing. I had my first erection which felt kinda weird. I will admit, seeing my girl in her gym attire got me excited enough to temporarily forget about my vasectomy, but I will wait at least a few days. I am hoping that the next few days go just as well, with no complications or problems.
A good competent doctor, a loving family and a helpful partner can work wonders.
Good luck to those who have decided to have this done.
Submitted by Walt
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