Well, I had the procedure done this past Monday and I was surprised at the very little pain that I experienced just shut my eyes and listened to the great music that was so soothing. The Doctor had a bit of trouble doing the left vas and did not want to make another hole. It worked out great and was just a little sore and required one stitch inside.
I actually used feminine pads inside the jockstrap and also panty liners are good as you going to get a little discharge anyway. I had a prescription for a pain killer which I really did not use. I did take at night one while I slept and that was fine – any swelling that was there is practically gone. I’ll still wear the pads and support for a while longer. I was actually beaming after it was all over and my partner was so very proud of me and took care of me that night… used no ice packs at all. Sample #1 in 2 months, and then one month after that to make sure.
I have to say that with all I had read that the no-scalpel really does work well and I am very proud and happy to have it done and can hardly wait for the sample count reports. By the way, the doctor told me I was the 2nd oldest person he had performed it on.
This was posted just to let everyone know it went fine, and age means nothing – its a private matter. It’s five days later and I still have no regrets, If anything it has brought my significant other and myself closer together.
November 1 update
Having had my no-scalpel vasectomy done in August and being one of the older men to have it done, I have no regrets at all. I have a “significant other” who still could have gotten pregnant and this will make so much better our relationships. I received word after the first submitted sample that I had a zero count. The procedure went well and any discomfort that I had was bearable it lasted a couple of weeks but was mild. I think a nick from shaving the pubic area gives more pain 😉
Using a well know urologist is the best way to go, someone, you know that you can sit down and relate to and that cares about you and the procedure that will be done. I find having a list of questions is the best way to go.
One more month to make sure and them it will be like a new life free from worries and also feeling responsible.
Submitted by Wrentham
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