This set of pictures shows the healing following a no scalpel vasectomy, as well as some images showing the appearance of the scar months after the operation.
Contributor’s comments
I checked out your site before going for my vasectomy and it was very useful. So in return, I have attached some photos that I took in the couple of days following my no-scalpel procedure. Thanks and best of luck with your site, I hope you get plenty of people contributing pics as I found it very useful when considering a vasectomy.
I took the first set of pictures in the first couple of days after the vasectomy. Unfortunately, I didn’t think to take more until just recently. I was having trouble getting the pictures off my phone onto PC, and it wasn’t until I managed to get them off the other day that I remembered I had taken the pics for your site but hadn’t done any others.
To be honest, after the first couple of months I had forgotten that I had had a vasectomy done as there was nothing noticeable down there. I enclose some updated ones taken 6 months later.
Immediately after procedure
The first three photos show the incision, and were taken during the first day or so following the procedure.

Six months after vasectomy
The next two photos were taken about six months later using a camera phone.

Our contributor enclosed these photos to demonstrate that you simply cannot tell a vasectomy has been performed.
Many thanks to our contributor for submitting these pictures and allowing us to use them.